Extended Choice Parameter

The Jenkins project announced unresolved security vulnerabilities affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):

Deprecated: This plugin has been marked as deprecated. In general, this means that this plugin is either obsolete, no longer being developed, or may no longer work.

More information about the cause of this deprecation, and suggestions on how to proceed may be found at https://github.com/jenkinsci/extended-choice-parameter-plugin?tab=readme-ov-file#end-of-life.
List of issues
#120Bump com.opencsv:opencsv from 5.7.1 to 5.10
#119Bump io.jenkins.tools.bom:bom-2.479.x from 3850.vb_c5319efa_e29 to 4136.vca_c3202a_7fd1
#110Rebuild makes dropdown changes to edit text.
#108use JQuery3 API Plugin for selectize
#107Javascript should not be escaped (broken plugin)
#106Warning: The currently installed plugin version may not be safe to use. Please review the following security notices: Stored XSS vulnerability Stored XSS vulnerability Arbitrary JSON and property file read vulnerability CSRF vulnerability and missing permission checks allow SSRF
#104http url not working with property file
#103where is pipeline-syntax.gdsl?
#102Bootstrap version
#97Logical operators are converted to HTML chars in javascript
#96HTML tags no longer work in the description field
#95startval in JSON Parameter Config Groovy Script not being used as default value when the job is executed by Timer or by other jobs
#87jobDSL requires even empty options - bloats jobDSL
#71Security issue with the plugin
JENKINS-70183When upgrading commons-lang3 is downgraded from 3.12 to 3.5
JENKINS-69819Extended Choice visual job radio buttons cannot visualize descriptions only the first
JENKINS-69703Jenkins extended choice parameter groovy script is very slow
JENKINS-68918Not able to pass extended choice parameter through Rest API.
JENKINS-68096Current version of Extended Choice Parameter has multiple vulnerabilities
JENKINS-67316Groovy method for Extended choice parameter for Signature approval
JENKINS-66614Extended Choice parameter is missing in Jenkin DSL
JENKINS-66488Update JSON Editor
JENKINS-66226Extended Choice Parameter Multi Level Single Select List Is Not Populating During Build With Parameters.
JENKINS-65477Extended Choice parameters not loaded from groovy script
JENKINS-65293extended choice parameter: Display the choices horizontally
JENKINS-65009How can I loop thought Jenkins Extended Choice Parameter
JENKINS-64943Version 0.82: Parameter not visible for " JSON Parameter Config Groovy Script File"
JENKINS-64658Add Choices to Extended Choice Parameter API
JENKINS-64633Add "Select: All, None" buttons for checkbox list
JENKINS-64505Extended Choice Parameter plugin breaks setup wizard
JENKINS-63931jenkins job configure section shows unnecessary tabs
JENKINS-63748Object types are not recognized anymore
JENKINS-62139Extended choice parameter array delete then add fails
JENKINS-61674Quick filler text box for Extended choice parameter
JENKINS-61266Cannot pass a value to a job with Extensible Choice paramater?
JENKINS-60419Blocked classpaths are not shown on script approvals page
JENKINS-60083extended-choice-parameter, tag 0.79 is not available in jenkins
JENKINS-59496Render HTML in the Extended Choice Parameter Description field
JENKINS-57125Extended choice parameter plugin does not pass parameter if called via a buildWithParameters URL request
JENKINS-56998Extended Choice plugin Wiki page incorrect
#24Use Groovy sandbox and support direct JSON input
JENKINS-45541Pipeline Input multiselect feature is broken
JENKINS-42307Please add general support for Grape (and ivy)
JENKINS-42250Parameter Type: Text Box does not respect Choose Source for Value
JENKINS-41347Using JSON-Editor Returns Unformatted Json String
JENKINS-39358Extended Choice Parameter ignores first property value
JENKINS-38639Loading JSON file for parameters
JENKINS-38161Pipeline Snippet Generator shows incomplete groovy code
JENKINS-36284Rebuild miss original input parameters when JSON input parameter block is more than 2MB
JENKINS-35480Execute shell FATAL: command execution failed
JENKINS-34617Make extended-choice-parameter-plugin pipeline compatibility easier
JENKINS-33672File Setting Failure in Extended Choice Parameter Plugin on Slave
JENKINS-32722Extended Choice-messy code when read parameter from file
JENKINS-32662Extended Choice Parameter Plugin Incompatibility
JENKINS-32618Display parameter description at the top
JENKINS-32617Support multiple column layout for check boxes or radio buttons
JENKINS-32188No DataBoundConstructor Error when using ExtendedChoiceParameter with Workflow Plugin
JENKINS-29029Multiple Build in single job.
JENKINS-28554Please update the plugin revision history
JENKINS-28045Provide predefined lists of values in Manage Jenkins -> Configure System
JENKINS-28035Space delimiter is not supported
JENKINS-27013Add support for the Jenkins Credentials plugin
JENKINS-27012Add @Grab grape support to facilitate dependency injection
JENKINS-27011Exceptions swallowed in ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition.java
JENKINS-26774Multiple extended choice parameters don't all show options on configure page
#10added functionality to store all multi-level multi selected values
JENKINS-26490Extended Choice Parameter - Parsing values different for on demand builds and builds started by timer
JENKINS-25126Add support of custom delimiters in multi-level CSV files
JENKINS-24652Unable to fetch all user selected values from "Multi-Level Single Select" and "Multi-Level Multi Select"
JENKINS-24634Multi-Level Single Select does not set variables for all dropdown items
JENKINS-24039Cannot always deselect multi level parameters once selected
JENKINS-23739Builds fail after upgrading Extended Choice Parameter plugin from version 0.28 to 0.34, due to delimiter missing.
JENKINS-23726Extended choice parameters not captured with python jenkinsapi invocation
JENKINS-23490Drop-down menu levels showing up but JS error on console stops js to run therefore choices do not show
JENKINS-23112Already configured Extended Choice Parameter value is not filled in
JENKINS-14828Rebuilder plugin crashes when used in conjunction with Extended Choice Parameter