Managed Scripts

This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
List of issues
JENKINS-67739Show arguments in a numbered list, one per line, in the Execute managed script
JENKINS-64724Error on "submit" in Edit Configuration File (Managed Files)
JENKINS-49429"view selected file" in jobs provides a broken link
JENKINS-45398Abililty to use managed scripts as Post-build Actions
JENKINS-32815managed shell scripts should call trim() on shebang path
JENKINS-32813managed shell scripts are run without -eu
JENKINS-30417Add a description field for each argument
JENKINS-30416Comment should not be appended to the Name in the popup menu
JENKINS-27109Add managed scripts functionality to chroot-plugin
JENKINS-27044Add support for the python scripts with arguments
JENKINS-22918Add option to output executed commands to job console
JENKINS-20963Allow managed scripts to be called from a post build task
JENKINS-19101Groovy Scripts should be usable as build steps
JENKINS-17766Support git(scm) revision control for managed files
JENKINS-16335Managed Script calls other managed script
JENKINS-14662Allow upload of a script file
JENKINS-14424Add support for managed .vbs scripts in Windows