JENKINS-74331 | [ivytrigger] Migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in org/jenkinsci/plugins/ivytrigger/IvyTrigger/config.jelly | | |
JENKINS-61801 | IvyTrigger is not triggering when modified (already existing) artifact is uploaded to remote artifactory | | |
JENKINS-47794 | Referencing a ivysettings.xml file that contains URL references fails to parse | | |
JENKINS-27619 | Make ivytrigger-plugin remember last resolved dependencies on jenkins restart | | |
JENKINS-24950 | IvyTrigger not triggering when new snapshot is posted in same version | | |
JENKINS-23429 | System properties that contain a quote will cause a parsing error in the IvyTrigger plugin | | |
JENKINS-19796 | IvyTrigger fails on Jenkins 1.532 | | |