Testkube CLI

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This is a Jenkins Plugin for managing your Testkube installation.

Use it to install Testkube CLI to manage your resources, run tests and test suites, or anything else.

Table of content


Testkube Pro

To use the Jenkins Plugin for the Testkube Pro, you need to create API token.

Then, pass the TK_ORG , TK_ENV and TK_API_TOKEN environment variables to configure the CLI. Additional parameters can be passed to the CLI directly based on your use case:

pipeline {
    agent any

    environment {
        TK_ORG = "org-id"
        TK_ENV = "env-id"
        TK_API_TOKEN = credentials("tk_api_token")
    stages {
        stage('Example') {
            steps {
                script {
                    sh 'testkube run test your-test'
                    sh 'testkube run testsuite your-test-suite --some-arg --other-arg'

Storing sensitive information directly in the workflow's YAML configuration is likely unsafe.
Instead, it's recommended to utilize Jenkins Credentials, a standard method for handling secrets, as detailed in the Jenkins documentation.

Self-hosted instance

To connect to the self-hosted instance, you need to have kubectl configured for accessing your Kubernetes cluster, and simply passing optional namespace, if the Testkube is not deployed in the default testkube namespace, i.e.:

pipeline {
    agent any

    environment {
        TK_NAMESPACE = 'custom-testkube-namespace'
    stages {
        stage('Example') {
            steps {
                script {
                    sh 'testkube run test your-test'



In addition to the common inputs, there are specific inputs for connecting to kubectl and Testkube Pro.


Required Name Description
TK_CHANNEL Distribution channel to install the latest application from - one of stable or beta (default: stable)
TK_VERSION Static Testkube CLI version to force its installation instead of the latest
NO_COLOR Disables ANSI coloring, which improves console output if the Jenkins AnsiColor is not configured
TK_DEBUG Set to "1" or "true" to print Java stack trace to the console output

Kubernetes (kubectl)

Required Name Description
TK_NAMESPACE Set namespace where Testkube is deployed to (default: testkube)

Pro and Enterprise

Required Name Description
TK_ORG The organization ID from Testkube Pro or Enterprise - it starts with tkc_org, you may find it i.e. in the dashboard's URL
TK_ENV The environment ID from Testkube Pro or Enterprise - it starts with tkc_env, you may find it i.e. in the dashboard's URL
TK_API_TOKEN API token that has at least a permission to run specific test or test suite. You may read more about creating API token in Testkube Pro or Enterprise
TK_URL URL of the Testkube Enterprise instance, if applicable