Sonar Quality Gates

The Jenkins project announced an unresolved security vulnerability affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):

Sonar Quality Gates Plugin

Jenkins plugin that fails the build if the predefined sonar quality gates are not green.

Sonarqube supported versions

  • Sonar 5.6
  • Sonar 6.x+
  • Sonar 8.0+


  1. In Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Quality Gates - Sonarqube add yours sonar configuration.

    • If token is specified, the parameters account login and account password will be ignored.

    Plugin Configuration

  2. In jenkins job add a Post-build Actions -> Quality Gates Sonarqube Plugin and set the sonar instance, if you have multiple sonar configurations, and Project key .

    Job Configuration


Forked from

3/4/2020 - Update to trigger build.