
The Jenkins project announced an unresolved security vulnerability affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
List of issues
JENKINS-74242[selenium] Extract inline script block in hudson/plugins/selenium/PluginImpl/index.jelly
#152Facing issue with Selenium Plugin
JENKINS-67255Remove agent-to-controller FilePath calls from Selenium plugin
#151throwOnCapabilityNotPresent cannot be set to false
#150security issue for version 3.141.59, is there any one can fix this?
#149readme exported from jenkins-wiki-exporter as-is
#148Will this support Grid4?
#147Bump htmlunit from 2.21 to 2.37.0
#146Is there any possibility to provide a Hub config with Servlets?
JENKINS-59597Issues while running a selenium Script in Jenkins job using a shell script
#143'jekins:label' not w3c compatible when passed to endpoint node. (IEDriverServer)
#141not able to set -host on node
JENKINS-56455Element is not currently visible error in Jenkins org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: element not interactable , while the test was running fine from Katalon Studio
#135Implement fix for access control
#134Getting `Could not connect to port 4444 on host` `Could not get IP address for host` error
#133Unable to Connect to Selenium Grid from Jenkins Master(as Hub) to a Remote Windows Machine(as Node)
JENKINS-52509WARNING: Attempt to (de-)serialize anonymous class hudson.plugins.selenium.PluginImpl$1
#129[Question] How can I check how many nodes are registered to my Jenkins Selenium Hub?
#122selenium Plugin fails to reconnect when Jenkins restarts or the selenium node reboots
#116How to get Notified once the node on selenium grid goes offline
JENKINS-44261Nodes Not Automatically Starting up
#106Warning message in node startup output related to JenkinsCapabilityMatcher
JENKINS-40122Please upgrade Selenium Grid Plugin to Selenium Grid 3.0
JENKINS-40010Jenkins Doesn’t open/launch Firefox with default user profile.
#95selenium node can't be restarted/started if java process is killed on jenkins node.
#93Restarting Node Configuration from UI causes communication channel to master to be broken
#92Clean up nodes when connection to jenkins master unexpectedly lost
#91We should provide the option to delete the logfile periodically and manually
#89Move over to extension points
#87We need a unit test to ensure backwards compatibility on configuration xml
#86We are a plugin to support website ui testing but...
#83We need to support new webdrivers
#67Configuration help texts can use a refresh
#65Selenium server standalone and htmlunitdriver should not be bundled with plugin
#64Detach IEdriver from project
#63Add option to use chromedriver plugin supplied chromedriver
JENKINS-31260Allow Selenium Admin to restart Hub
JENKINS-30248Stacktrace when connecting selenium hub
#26Allow use of plugins with Grid
JENKINS-10760Tunnel the Selenium RC communication over the master/slave channel
JENKINS-9799Let Jenkins start/stop X server with Selenium RC servers
JENKINS-7661Add support for User Extensions to Selenium
JENKINS-6661Adding -singleWindow option to RC Grid conguration