Reliza Integration

Reliza integration with Jenkins

Plugin use

Plugin integrates itself with Reliza Hub (, allowing you to automatically set new releases through your Jenkinsfile. More information on how to use Reliza Hub here

Setting up instance

For the plugin to interact with Reliza Hub you will need to set up credentials on your Jenkins instance.

Acquiring api key and id

Project API: Go to Reliza Hub -> project -> project you wish to integrate -> click on padlock -> record given api key and id

OR Org API (will require project ID): Go to Reliza Hub -> settings -> set org-wide read-write api key -> record given api key and id

Project ID (if using Org API): Go to Reliza Hub -> project -> project you wish to integrate -> click on wrench -> record UUID

Storing in Jenkins

Go to your Jenkins instance -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Credentials -> Domains: (global) -> Add Credentials

Kind should be set to Username with password and scope should be set to global.

Input your api key id into username and api key into password, then set identifying ID to "RELIZA_API", description can be anything.

Jenkins Settings

In order for the plugin to link your build URL on Reliza Hub, the base URL of your Jenkins instance needs to be preset.

Go to your Jenkins instance -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Jenkins URL -> put in URL

Available parameters

  • withReliza: Wrapper will call Reliza Hub to get new version to be released. Version, docker safe version, and latest release commit can then be accessed from inside the wrapper using env.VERSION, env.DOCKER_VERSION, and env.LATEST_COMMIT
    • uri: Uri is defaulted to but this parameter can override it if necessary
    • projectId: Uuid of project required only if authenticating using an organization wide api
    • onlyVersion: If set to true then only version info will be obtained and release creation will be skipped
    • jenkinsVersionMeta: If set to true, will set the metadata flag to the Jenkins build id
    • customVersionMeta: Will set the metadata flag to a custom value and overrides jenkinsVersionMeta
    • customVersionModifier: Will set modifier flag to a custom value
    • getVersion: If set to false then wrapper will skip getting the new version to be released from Reliza Hub and will only set latest release commit to environment.
    • envSuffix: withReliza will now both send and expect environment variables with this suffix appended to it. Used for calling Reliza commands multiple times. e.g: pass envSuffix: "TEST" and commitMessage has to be set using env.COMMIT_MESSAGE_TEST and you can only access version through env.VERSION_TEST
  • addRelizaRelease: This method will send release details to Reliza Hub
    • artId: Parameter to specify artifact id
    • artType: Parameter to specify artifact type
    • status: If needed, this parameter will set status and override previously set status environment variables
    • version: Parameter to specify custom version of new release instead of calling withReliza
    • useCommitList: If set to true, will disregard git commit, commit message, and commit time and will instead parse them using commit list
    • envSuffix: Identical functionality to envSuffix in withReliza
    • projectId/uri: If not calling withReliza, identical parameters can be used for this call
  • Parameters set as environment variables which withReliza will read when set
    • GIT_BRANCH: Branch of commit, defaults to branch of commit which triggered build
    • BUILD_NUMBER: Build number, defaults to Jenkins build number
    • COMMIT_MESSAGE: Message of commit
    • COMMIT_LIST: Base64 encoded list of commits since latest release, below example shows how to format
  • Parameters set as environment variables which addRelizaRelease will read when set
    • GIT_BRANCH: Branch of commit, defaults to branch which triggered build
    • GIT_URL: Url of repository, defaults to repository url of commit
    • GIT_COMMIT: Hash of commit, defaults to hash of commit which triggered build
    • COMMIT_TIME: Time of commit, defaults to time of commit which triggered build
    • BUILD_NUMBER: Build number, defaults to Jenkins build number
    • RUN_DISPLAY_URL: Direct link to build display, defaults to Jenkins build
    • BUILD_START_TIME: Time of start of build, defaults to time when withReliza is called
    • BUILD_END_TIME: Time of end of build, defaults to time when addRelizaRelease is called
    • STATUS: Sets build status to a choice of either complete or rejected
    • SHA_256: Sets sha256 of artifact
    • COMMIT_MESSAGE: Message of commit
    • COMMIT_LIST: Base64 encoded list of commits since latest release, below example shows how to format

withReliza is usually called to get the correct version from Reliza Hub which can then be used to call addRelizaRelease to create a new release. If needed the version parameter allows you to create a new release without calling withReliza.

Most parameters are automatically set using the initial build information as specified in the parameters, however they can all be overriden if necessary.

Example Jenkinsfile/Pipeline usage

pipeline {
    agent {
        kubernetes {
            yaml """
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    run: jenkins-slave
  - name: dind
    image: docker:19.03.12-dind
    - cat
    - mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
      name: dockersock
    tty: true
  - name: dockersock
      path: /var/run/docker.sock
    environment { RELIZA_API = credentials('RELIZA_API') }
    stages {
        stage('Build and Deploy') {
            steps {
                script {
                    env.COMMIT_TIME = sh(script: 'git log -1 --date=iso-strict --pretty="%ad"', returnStdout: true).trim()
                    env.COMMIT_MESSAGE = sh(script: 'git log -1 --pretty=%s', returnStdout: true).trim()
                    withReliza(jenkinsVersionMeta: 'true', customVersionModifier: 'Test') {
                        try {
                            if (env.LATEST_COMMIT) {
                                env.COMMIT_LIST = sh(script: 'git log $LATEST_COMMIT..$GIT_COMMIT --date=iso-strict --pretty="%H|||%ad|||%s|||%an|||%ae" | base64 -w 0', returnStdout: true).trim()
                            container('dind') {
                                sh '''
                                    docker build -t relizatest/throw .
                                    docker login -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD
                                    docker push relizatest/throw
                                env.SHA_256 = sh(script: 'docker inspect -f \'{{range .RepoDigests}}{{.}}{{end}}\' relizatest/throw:latest | cut -f 2 -d\'@\'', returnStdout: true)
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            env.STATUS = 'rejected'
                            echo 'FAILED BUILD: ' + e.toString()
                        addRelizaRelease(artId: "relizatest/throw", artType: "Docker")

Resources on pipelines and writing plugins

Version History

See the changelog