This is another bugfix release that removed the annoying tendency of the plugin to fail the builds if the Rally credentials used to access the work item didn't have access to that work item.
jenkins-plugin-cli --plugins rally-plugin:2.2.2
This is a bugfix release that corrected some erroneous behavior regarding credential usage. The new approach to credential management should allow for DSL usage without embedding the credential in the DSL.
jenkins-plugin-cli --plugins rally-plugin:2.2.1
This release includes the new feature described in issue #13 - adding Build information to Rally to populate the status indicator and a few reports.
This release introduces a breaking change: the plugin has moved to a Publish step instead of a Build step to better reflect the reporting aspect of the plugin.
jenkins-plugin-cli --plugins rally-plugin:2.2
This release includes the new feature described in issue #11: updating multiple work items. To do so, simply include more than one User Story or Defect identifier in your commit message, such as:
US12345 and DE54321: update to include new feature
jenkins-plugin-cli --plugins rally-plugin:2.1
This release makes the following changes:
jenkins-plugin-cli --plugins rally-plugin:2.0
jenkins-plugin-cli --plugins rally-plugin:1.4