Pipeline: Build Step

List of issues
JENKINS-75041Add LICENSE file to GitHub repo of Pipeline build step plugin
JENKINS-73537build plugin - Downstream job's console as well in the console log - optionally
JENKINS-73426Build does not honor wait
JENKINS-72922Child job MultipleCompilationErrorsException is not propagated to parent job when loading libraries failed
JENKINS-69495安装Parameterized Trigger插件但是无法使用
JENKINS-69156build step case dead lock
JENKINS-68268Releases: Change log, release notes and GitHub releases
JENKINS-67467Project to build triggers No such job after selecting the job
JENKINS-67152readYaml aborts silently
JENKINS-66967No documentation for file parameter type
JENKINS-66367pipeline-build-step-plugin: "triggeredBy UpstreamCause" when condition in declarative pipeline is broken
JENKINS-65980Pipeline automatically convert mistyped parameters
JENKINS-65338pipeline-build-step-plugin: Add snippet generator hints to Pipeline step help
JENKINS-65307pipeline-build-step-plugin: Suggest Pipeline Syntax snippet generator in plugin docs
JENKINS-63708Pipeline: Matrix and Lockable don't play well together
JENKINS-63500JENKINS-61808 breaks doc generation for build and input steps
JENKINS-62960FlowNode reports pipeline build step failure as aborted
JENKINS-61982jenkins.io docs for 'wait' parameter of pipeline 'build' step are incomplete
JENKINS-61737Parallel Build job propagates FAIL while running when child job UNSTABLE
JENKINS-61654Allow specifying commit for multibranch pipeline build
JENKINS-60511parameterized project triggered with empty parameters from pipeline's for loop
JENKINS-60345Add customizable links to manual start downstream build
JENKINS-59179map variable replacement for keys - cannot retrieve values back
JENKINS-59109Allow user scoped credentials to be used by build step
JENKINS-58952sh labels can't be used in post stages
JENKINS-57077Let the user decide whether to accept any value for choice parameter
JENKINS-56363Handling job name especially default state in parameters field for /pipeline-syntax/ styling needs work
JENKINS-55705Display link to downstream job in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-54438Documentation is not generating for wait parameter in build job
JENKINS-53923Collecting build job results using [.result] property returns null
JENKINS-52834Pipeline build step does not recognize other build has been started
JENKINS-50960Pipeline jobs hangs after restart with build trigger step
JENKINS-48475Build step returns null if propagate set to true
JENKINS-44659Missing workspace - workspace deleted during concurrent build
JENKINS-43997Build on the same node parameter
JENKINS-43862Display downstream jobs with their build status
JENKINS-41250fail build step instead of hang in "unsure what happened to downstream build"
JENKINS-40857Add option to pass all parameters and/or environment variables to trigered job
JENKINS-39875WARNING: RunListener failed java.lang.IllegalStateException:
JENKINS-37042Pipeline step plugin: build job with MatrixCombinationsParameterValue
JENKINS-26124Blocking build trigger step could inline output