Nested Data Reporting

List of issues
#414sorting by size does alphabetical sort instead of sorting by the value
#404Missing MutableSets
#317Option to disable stacked mode on the history chart
#316Sort items in trend graph by value not by label
#315Logarithmic scale for trend graph
#262Line Graph Support
#232json file collect from s3 and visualize on jenkins
#181`java.lang.NullPointerException` for build trend chart
#146Want to pass additional data in "items" beside test-result counts and not show them all on same pie chart
#145Using same JSON reports for single and aggregated analysis
#140Define color palette
#124How to show only table
#108Improve number handling
#107Add displayType to view delta value from previous successfull build
#106Color management (mostly for csv format)
#103Improve csv file handling (separator and file encoding)
#79implement `excel` provider
#56Overview pie chart
#55Having multiple pie charts in overview data
#54Add tab in distribution area to have different views for data