Klocwork Analysis

List of issues
#75feat: upgrade to Jenkins LTS Core 2.462.3 for Java 11 support
JENKINS-74285[klocwork] Extract inline event handlers in com/klocwork/kwjenkinsplugin/reporting/KlocworkResultsAction/issue.jelly
JENKINS-74284[klocwork] Extract inline script block in com/klocwork/kwjenkinsplugin/KlocworkProjectAction/floatingBox.jelly
JENKINS-74283[klocwork] Extract inline script blocks and event handlers in com/klocwork/kwjenkinsplugin/reporting/KlocworkResultsAction/summary.jelly
#74Fix conflicting "window.onload" usage
#73Enable Jenkins Security Scan
#72Bump junit from 1.5 to 1166.va_436e268e972
#71Bump dashboard-view from 2.0 to 2.18.1
#69Running klocwork scan on docker agent
#67Bump matrix-project from 1.4 to 1.17
#66Bump job-dsl from 1.58 to 1.72
#64Bump gson from 2.0 to 2.8.9
JENKINS-68060Klocwork plugin should allow for more than one trend chart
JENKINS-67136klocwork analysis report cannot be open in jenkins dashboard
JENKINS-67124Authentication failed klocwork analysis issue edit in jenkins dashboard
#61klocworkQualityGateway pipeline step doesn't mark stage & step as unstable
JENKINS-59249cmake with klocwork plugin
#55Project missing LICENSE file.
JENKINS-41732Klocwork Plugin does not show critical issue on Klocwork Trend for current run
JENKINS-35297Klocwork Review link does not include use SSL option
JENKINS-21866Klocwork plugin does not show new issues
JENKINS-19290Allow setting of custom name for klocwork build
JENKINS-17120replacing jenkins workspace path when publishing
JENKINS-16569Duplicating Klocwork build option if there is twice "Invoke Klocwork Command"
JENKINS-16480Klockwork Plugin is not uploading anything on klocwork server.
JENKINS-16026Success build record lose after restart of Jenkins service
JENKINS-15347Improper parsing of KW 9.2 results file
JENKINS-15332NPE in Klocwork KloBuildAction
JENKINS-14786Build.xml file missing for every builds using "Publish Klocwork test result report"
JENKINS-13895Plugin fails on custom checkers
JENKINS-13411Klocwork XML output is deprecated
JENKINS-13240klocwork trend graph should update on build deletion
JENKINS-12601isSystem tag in klocwork results is not understood by plugin
JENKINS-10896Klocwork plugin fails to launch tools on linux slave from windows master
JENKINS-10825Klocwork trend graph does not contain unstable builds
JENKINS-10824No type / range checking for threshold values
JENKINS-10749Clicking on "Klocwork Trend Graph" directs to results of last stable build
JENKINS-10748Order of sort key "severity" in "Klocwork result/details" is alphabetical
JENKINS-10217Klocwork plugin does not work