JENKINS-73322 | Not able to save Jenkins Freestyle job configuration | | |
JENKINS-70071 | join trigger fails to even run after fresh install | | |
JENKINS-55724 | join plugin no longer working since upgrade | | |
JENKINS-53905 | Join trigger generates multiple downstream jobs | | |
JENKINS-50396 | no Join Trigger can be added. org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException | | |
JENKINS-49659 | Missing functionality when using the parameterized trigger option | | |
JENKINS-47470 | Join plugin | | |
JENKINS-43734 | Join notifier cannot find upstream project - when freestyle job called from pipeline job | | |
JENKINS-30335 | join plugin doens't work with maven snapshot triggering | | |
JENKINS-29652 | Rerunning failed Delivery Pipeline stage doesn't enable/disable a manual trigger when using the Join plugin | | |
JENKINS-28073 | Join doesn't trigger if downstream project(s) fail | | |
JENKINS-26198 | Join plugin collapsing builds | | |
JENKINS-24566 | Join job should be run even if some or all downstream jobs fail | | |
JENKINS-18717 | Promoted build job hangs forever after promotion job finishes | | |
JENKINS-17274 | Join Plugin to use Environment Variable when triggering downstreeam job | | |
JENKINS-16922 | Join plugin does not trigger when the downstream builds are complete | | |
JENKINS-16384 | Blocking on downstream projects | | |
JENKINS-16212 | Exception thrown from join plugin as it can't find BuildTrigger class in Parameterized Trigger plugin | | |
JENKINS-16127 | Parameterized plugin prevents Join plugin to create post-build join step | | |
JENKINS-13445 | join trigger doesn't work in a promotion process | | |
JENKINS-12015 | Join project starts downstream projects and finishes before they complete | | |
JENKINS-11502 | join don't check for actual triggered job | | |
JENKINS-11274 | Join Project - Support Fully Recursive Diamonds | | |
JENKINS-10435 | Join project not triggered correctly when passing SCM info downstream via downstream-ext plugin | | |
JENKINS-10277 | Join trigger plugin + Trigger parameterized build plugin don't run properly | | |
JENKINS-10038 | Pass on changes to triggered project | | |
JENKINS-8733 | Downstream build view does not see Join Trigger | | |
JENKINS-8659 | Join plugin should be able to handle transitive downstream builds | | |
JENKINS-8450 | downstream trigger | | |
JENKINS-7769 | Support post-build action: Perform Subversion tagging on successful build (Subversion Tagging Plugin) | | |
JENKINS-7754 | Set root job as failed if one of downstream jobs failed. | | |
JENKINS-7529 | Allow an email to be sent following a successful join activation | | |
JENKINS-6372 | Add join job name to panel | | |
JENKINS-5974 | Allow aggregation job to run even if some downstream jobs Failed | | |