Image Gallery
List of issuesKey | Summary | Created | Updated |
JENKINS-74303 | [image-gallery] Extract inline script block in org/jenkinsci/plugins/imagegallery/imagegallery/ComparativeArchivedImagesGalleryBuildAction/summary.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74302 | [image-gallery] Migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in org/jenkinsci/plugins/imagegallery/comparative/ComparativeArchivedImagesGallery/config.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74301 | [image-gallery] Migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in org/jenkinsci/plugins/imagegallery/comparative/InFolderComparativeArchivedImagesGallery/config.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74300 | [image-gallery] Extract inline script block in org/jenkinsci/plugins/imagegallery/comparative/ComparativeImagesGalleryBuildAction/summary.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74299 | [image-gallery] Migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in org/jenkinsci/plugins/imagegallery/imagegallery/ArchivedImagesGallery/config.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74298 | [image-gallery] Extract inline script block in org/jenkinsci/plugins/imagegallery/imagegallery/ArchivedImagesGalleryBuildAction/summary.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74297 | [image-gallery] Migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in org/jenkinsci/plugins/imagegallery/imagegallery/ComparativeArchivedImagesGallery/config.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74296 | [image-gallery] Migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in org/jenkinsci/plugins/imagegallery/comparative/MultipleFolderComparativeArchivedImagesGallery/config.jelly | | |
JENKINS-38427 | Add border between images in comparative image galleries | | |
JENKINS-37927 | Display image related metadata along with image | | |
JENKINS-37579 | image-gallery-plugin should support pipeline builds | | |
JENKINS-34456 | Image Gallery Plugin does not play nice with XML-Summary Report plugin | | |
JENKINS-34401 | Comparative gallery base root, image urls, and image links | | |
JENKINS-31364 | Image width is set to "0" in previous builds | | |
JENKINS-22646 | Image Gallery results should be published in the order that they appear in job configuration | | |
JENKINS-21109 | Provide an option to show the image gallery on its own page | | |