OpenText Application Automation Tools

List of issues
JENKINS-75239Unable to see build step after selecting Editable Email Notification
JENKINS-75238Unable to see build step after selecting Editable Email Notification
JENKINS-74878Rebrand LoadRunner Enterprise product name
JENKINS-74230[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline script block and event handlers in lib/custom/customRepeatable.jelly
JENKINS-74229[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline script block and event handlers in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/run/UploadAppBuilder/config.jelly
JENKINS-74228[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline script blocks and event handlers in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/run/PcBuilder/config.jelly
JENKINS-74227[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline event handler in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/common/model/VariableWrapper/config.jelly
JENKINS-74226[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline event handler in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/model/AutEnvironmentParameterModel/config.jelly
JENKINS-74225[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline script block in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/run/RunFromCodelessBuilder/config.jelly
JENKINS-74224[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline script block and event handlers in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/octane/testrunner/TestsToRunConverterBuilder/config.jelly
JENKINS-74223[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline event handler in lib/healthanalyzer/customOptionalBlock.jelly
JENKINS-74222[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline script blocks in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/uft/model/SpecifyParametersModel/config.jelly
JENKINS-74221[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline event handler in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/model/ParallelRunnerEnvironmentModel/config.jelly
JENKINS-74220[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline script block in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/octane/configuration/ConfigurationAction/index.jelly
JENKINS-74219[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline script block in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/run/RunFromAlmBuilder/config.jelly
JENKINS-74218[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline event handler in lib/custom/customOptionalBlock.jelly
JENKINS-74217[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline script block in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/octane/configuration/ConfigurationActionMultibranch/index.jelly
JENKINS-74216[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline event handlers in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/uft/model/UftSettingsModel/config.jelly
JENKINS-74215[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline event handlers in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/model/AutEnvironmentModel/config.jelly
JENKINS-74214[hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] Extract inline script block and event handlers in com/microfocus/application/automation/tools/run/RunFromFileBuilder/config.jelly
JENKINS-73773ALM Octane branch collector failure for Duplicate keys
JENKINS-73728Plugin error on Jenkins 2.462.x - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/fileupload/FileItemFactory
JENKINS-73588Octane plugin is not working
JENKINS-73490Failure to create results when "Automatically create a results directory" option is checked
JENKINS-73374Unable to run Pipeline or open Pipeline syntax if OpenText Application Automation Tools Version 24.2 is installed
JENKINS-73235OpenText Application Automation Tools fail startup with Jenkins 2.459 and 2.460
JENKINS-72498OpenText Application Automation Tools JPI contains too many libraries
JENKINS-72260Duplicate test results
JENKINS-71668ALM Octane testing framework converter - Custom conversion format not editable in jenkins
JENKINS-70526After upgrading to latest version of application automation plugin the Octane pipelines screen is blank
JENKINS-70170error recovery on error 1310
JENKINS-69984Channel is closing down Error
JENKINS-69687500 error when using post build step "Upload test result to ALM using field mapping"
JENKINS-69371With Micro Focus Automation Tools v7.4.3 Null Pointer exception during SVN processing
JENKINS-69197ALM Upload should support user fields
JENKINS-69160Jenkins Micro Focus Application Automation Tools plugin, fails to launch LoadRunner Controller
JENKINS-69029Microfocus automation plugin ver 7.4 breaks authentication page
JENKINS-68980Micro Focus automation plugin breaks JCasC Configurations in root-Node unclassified
JENKINS-68891ALM Upload should use JUnit <system-out> and <system-err> data
JENKINS-67671java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't send a remote FilePath to a different remote channel (current=hudson.remoting.Channel@1c82372e:JNLP4-connect connection
JENKINS-67001Micro Focus Application Automation Tools - LRE plugin doesnt work with latest Jenkins server 2.318
JENKINS-66792Fortify On Demand vulnerabilities not loaded into Octane
JENKINS-66635hpe-application-automation-tools-plugin v7.0 for UFT Mobile is not supporting pipeline jobs
JENKINS-64951Error: Error during Analysis run. See output console for details
JENKINS-64901FOD-Octane Integration - not working on Jenkinsfile pipelines
JENKINS-64900FOD-Octane Integration - deprecate use of BSI Token
JENKINS-64640Connect to ALM SaaS via API Key does not work anymore
JENKINS-64346LRE 2020 reports are not loading properly after clicking the Link provided in the Console output window
JENKINS-63920Unable to upload the script from Jenkins Plugin to Performance Center
JENKINS-63714add support of custom web context of ALM Octane URL
JENKINS-63566Exception in nga log when do fortify SCA scan from jenkins and no vulnerbilities showing in ALM Octane pipeline
JENKINS-62888LRE tenant should be taken in consideration from LRE 2020 SP2 release
JENKINS-62447Allow Environment variables to be used as parameters
JENKINS-62213Synchronize LoadRunner Enterprise With Git changed build result to FAILURE
JENKINS-62200MF Application Automation Tools plugin: violation of RFC7230
JENKINS-62118Exception in nga log when do fortify SCA scan from jenkins and no vulnerbilities showing in ALM Octane pipeline
JENKINS-61836Job shows Load Runner controller is still running. Can't shutdown gracefully
JENKINS-61752JAXB-API is missing on JDK11
JENKINS-61594Getting exception when running Micro Focus Plugin for Performance Center Git Integration
JENKINS-61116FOD-Octane Integration - no Vulnerabilities shown
JENKINS-61106Load runner scenario file is getting deleted once i start executing the JOB and also Job is failing.
JENKINS-60909Not Seeing Script Synced into Micro Focus Performance Center with Micro Focus Plugin Used
JENKINS-60514Message: "Publish Micro Focus tests result is waiting for a checkpoint on LR_AFF #42"
JENKINS-60397Rebrand "Performance Center" product name to "LoadRunner Enterprise"
JENKINS-59864Job can stuck forever after message wlrun killed
JENKINS-59834Retry Mechanism for collate and analyze when it fails
JENKINS-58891Update pom.xml with the new owners
JENKINS-58848Getting Message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation message while running jobs through jenkins in remote machine
JENKINS-58632LR Controller job not generating LRR, LRA and HTML folder in workspace
JENKINS-58252Integrate Token Macro plugin to recognize environment variables
JENKINS-58234LRR report not opening using the .tmp template mentioned in Jenkins job
JENKINS-58052Analysis Template (.tmp file) for Loadrunner Controller
JENKINS-56827Performance center - Jenkins Integration job run issue
JENKINS-55902Jenkins job executing HP QC Test Set duplicates reporting for the same test in two different situations.
JENKINS-55302Transaction Summary Report is Essentially Blank
JENKINS-55301Link to Rich Report in LoadRunner Test Run Yields Blank Page
JENKINS-55300Display the Average Transaction Response Times Graph by Default
JENKINS-55280HP ALM Plugin - TestSetName is empty when uploading junit results
JENKINS-55274HP ALM Plugin - allow adding a custom run parameters
JENKINS-54978Mobile Center run tests on wrong Device
JENKINS-54853[MC 3.0] [Jenkins Plugin 5.6] Use proxy settings cannot be disalbe.
JENKINS-54852[MC 3.0] [Jenkins Plugin 5.6] In the Mobile center options specify aunthentication is not valid.
JENKINS-54632 dsl job doesn't create a build step for Performance Center using Jenkins API
JENKINS-54443Loadrunner controller not displayed while running the test from Jenkins
JENKINS-54436change environment variable name: HP_RUN_ID
JENKINS-54435Add tests to HealthAnalyzerCommon
JENKINS-54387[Jenkins Plugin 5.6] [Update Job] Sometimes when trying to save the setting from MC wizard to Jenkins page it will failed.
JENKINS-53974SV needs to change code strucutre
JENKINS-53801Generate Complete Data before applying template
JENKINS-53546octane plugin support coverage injection from sonarqube
JENKINS-53233Unable to run Performance Test in Jenkins - executeRequest exception: Operation failed. Error code: 1001
JENKINS-53003HP Tools Launcher is crash in long runs(13hrs+)
JENKINS-52801Pipeline Snippet for MC Upload App to Mobile Center
JENKINS-52800Add possibility to repeat startrun by allowing end user to define number of attempts and delay between attempts
JENKINS-52687Replace DecimalFormat and SimpleDateFormat to DateTime
JENKINS-52464Issues using RunResultRecorder in pipelines
JENKINS-52456Dynamic AWS LG when triggering Performance Center Scenario using Jenkins
JENKINS-52393Adding date and time to log events
JENKINS-52035(Jenkins integration with HP PC for Perf testing)Jenkins doesnt show raw results or complete analysis file , it only shows HTML file as result.
JENKINS-51976Load Runner Scenario not being picked up during the job run
JENKINS-51881:when branch is deleted then the corresponding pipeline in octane should be deleted
JENKINS-51768PC12.57/60 - Jenkins PC plugin: Unknown exception (false alarm) during run execution, which terminates the flow, but from PC side - the flow continues without errors
JENKINS-51764use existing Timeslot in CI build of a test
JENKINS-51621Login failed when trying to integrate ALM12.53 with jenkins
JENKINS-50111HP ALM Plugin - allow adding a custom result file in the External Test Type
JENKINS-49033Issue with HPE Application Automation Tools plugin
JENKINS-48494Pass Additional attributes from Jenkins to HP Performance Center 12.53
JENKINS-48003ErrorsToIgnore parameter does not check if value is empty
JENKINS-48000Test results are written in directory with random name
JENKINS-47719Running numerous times jobs (200-300) failed 70-80%.
JENKINS-46613Support setting LG dynamically in LoadRuneer job configuration
JENKINS-43453Add usage statistics for the plugin to monitor
JENKINS-42356HP Application Automation Tools error "This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms."
JENKINS-40935add windows resources graph to LoadRunner results (Build and cross)
JENKINS-40598Seperate the HP Tools Launcher
JENKINS-40438export cross run perfomrance report to PDF and / or HTML file.
JENKINS-40215Support running scenarios with identical name in one Jenkins run
JENKINS-37113Failed to start TEST_SET
JENKINS-35097Support passing command line parameters to test scenario
JENKINS-27872Only first QTP test is executed, others are skipped with "QTP is not launched." error
JENKINS-26002Send ALM test execution summary email