Extra Columns

List of issues
JENKINS-74875Trim on Build Description column
JENKINS-71193enabled status button extra value for CSS
JENKINS-70633Build parameters not shown for multibranch pipelines
JENKINS-67408Gradle checks gets failed when we update the extra-columns plugin from 1.23 to 1.24
JENKINS-67039Add a "Last Duration" column, which shows the last duration, regardless of state
JENKINS-61186Add lastBuild/consoleFull#footer as an option
JENKINS-60085number of skipped tests are displayed both in Skipped column and in Passed column
JENKINS-48800Pipeline TAP Test Results not displayed in "Test Result" column
JENKINS-44437Feature request: Column which shows "Node Description" or the "hostname / Computer name / machine name" where the job is running
JENKINS-41776Extra Column Plugin Not Pulling In Test Results for Cucumber Tests Run With Maven
JENKINS-32871add environment variable view
JENKINS-23045new column "Last/current build graph"