Branch API

List of issues
JENKINS-75144One unauthenticated OrganizationFolder blocks threads for all OrganizationFolders
JENKINS-75024Add LICENSE file to GitHub repo of Branch API plugin
JENKINS-74996Description colum is not formatted as HTML when safeHTML is activated
JENKINS-74839Branch Indexing / SCM event may trigger duplicated builds
JENKINS-73870"Description" column in List View is empty for most Item types
JENKINS-73689Active workspaces deleted on Jenkins startup
JENKINS-73208"Scan Repository" on a big one leads to huge amount of threads and kills our Jenkins
JENKINS-72958Expose if a multi-branch pipeline branch job is default/primary to REST API
JENKINS-72751Upgraded from 2.401.1-lts to 2.426.3-lts and then the plugins and now org folder isn't viewable
JENKINS-72102incorrect config.xml for durationName for Seconds
JENKINS-71979Getting Timeout in processing large amount of directories in NFS
JENKINS-71717plugin is too slow on NFS
JENKINS-71144Webhooks doesn't work with option Suppress automatic SCM triggering
JENKINS-70485Workspace path transformation failed
JENKINS-70408Pass exact SCM revision from webhook
JENKINS-70320lots of warnings on ITEM_ROOTDIR by getWorkspaceRoot
JENKINS-70064Possible memory leak in WorkspaceLocatorImpl#indexCache
JENKINS-69920Add global setting to change the default folder icon
JENKINS-68853Missing English localizations in Administrative monitors configuration
JENKINS-68771Git changes are not displayed when using scm supress automatic SCM triggering
JENKINS-68641ComputedFolder shows "New View" button when it should not
JENKINS-68116Slow processing of multi branch events
JENKINS-67754Incorrect usage of rateLimit.count in multibranchPipelineJob
JENKINS-67725Need to be able to customize BranchBuildStrategies to not build in the future. Not just a one time evaluataion.
JENKINS-67168sub optimal defaults for "health" of children of an organisation folder
JENKINS-66952Failure while processing an SCM event in one multibranch project leads to other multibranch projects not processing the event
JENKINS-66782Additional metadata for ChangeRequestSCMHead
JENKINS-65922multi-branch pipeline have the same SVN checkout option as the normal pipeline.
JENKINS-65765Multibranch job (PR) continues even after failure due to merge conflict
JENKINS-65696"Found match against..." hangs at non-existent repo
JENKINS-65546Jobs created by multibranch poll wrong server after git server configuration change
JENKINS-65303Incorrect wording in help text for Orphaned Item Strategy
JENKINS-65299Lightweight checkout breaks variable expansion for GIT branch
JENKINS-65275Jobs for branches with PRs are removed although they still exist
JENKINS-64970It's not possible to prevent cron triggers via BranchProperty
JENKINS-63817buildStrategies are not set when using jobDSL,
JENKINS-63573Possible regression: rateLimitBuilds() syntax not accepted
JENKINS-63399Workspace cleanup for Multibranch Projects can result in excessive thread creation
JENKINS-63344Job DSL rebuilds all jobs when a folder is created with views inside
JENKINS-63088The logic to trigger builds based on buildStrategies seems wrong
JENKINS-62629MultiBranch Pipeline Job chooses default workspace. Not creating as per Jenkins folder structure
JENKINS-62142Race condition during init between jobs and agent
JENKINS-62141Allow more than one named exception to match each individual branch
JENKINS-61459In progress builds report failure when orphaned
JENKINS-61008Branch API 2.5.4 does not recognize manually triggered build commit and kicks off build after scan
JENKINS-60969@libs pseudo-workspace collision due to branch name truncation
JENKINS-60806Orphaned Item Strategy not work in multibranch job
JENKINS-60785corrupt workspaces.txt file on agent, changes multibranch builds to use workspace directory with slash converted to %2F, causing errors
JENKINS-60509Name column in Pull Request/Branch view should use number aware sorting
JENKINS-60122jenkins.branch.WorkpsaceLocatorImpl.MODE=DISABLED does not disable the extension
JENKINS-59970Launching two nodes with similar workspace deletes in use workspaces
JENKINS-59757Discovered project-repositories should have Run button
JENKINS-59642implement organizationChildTriggersProperty
JENKINS-59435Pull request blue ocean links should go to the relevant blue ocean view
JENKINS-58509Multibranch Pipeline shows stacktrace on branches page
JENKINS-58313Expose pullrequest source commit hash to pipeline env variables
JENKINS-57860Optionally allow for idempotent handling of SCMEvents
JENKINS-57618 Implement automated tests for Branch API 2.5.1
JENKINS-57475Cannot "Disable" a multi-branch job
JENKINS-56059Branch API should pass the trigger interval to the jobs it creates
JENKINS-55388multibranch pipeline deleting history and building unexpectedly
JENKINS-55268Multibranch pipelines cannot have different "Named Branch" configurations when created by the organization plugin
JENKINS-54869Multibranch project truncates cloudbees folder workspace paths
JENKINS-54639Multibranch: Delete Pipeline should fail when builds are kept forever
JENKINS-54468Not applicable Branch Build Strategies are available in the Organization UI
JENKINS-53335CHANGE_BRANCH for pull-request should return source branch, not pull-request pseudo-branch
JENKINS-52683Allow flexible source definition in WorkflowBranchProjectFactories
JENKINS-52041can't use docker-compose - minimized workspace name start with underscore
JENKINS-51827Randon String in branch name in multibranch pipeline on jenkins master server
JENKINS-50561Add @Symbol to "throttle builds" job properties
JENKINS-50173Extension point for marking generated items
JENKINS-50000Finish user and consumer guide for branch-api
JENKINS-49914MultiBranch Pipeline scanning and triggering issues
JENKINS-49051Add event field to BranchEventCause
JENKINS-48996jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProject disregards quick delete and recreation via branch webhooks.
JENKINS-48960Org folders repository folder never runs scans on repository
JENKINS-48776Not able to trigger builds
JENKINS-48586Multibranch Plugin errors out on getting branches if a pull request with no commits exists in project should be part of out of the box API jelly
JENKINS-48303Review SCM, Branch, Bitbucket and Github branch source PRs
JENKINS-48226MultiBranch doesn't distinguish Branches and PRs
JENKINS-47874Support multiple repositories in multi-branch pipeline
JENKINS-47226Provide easy access to git branch name in (single branch) Pipeline build
JENKINS-46536A pollSCM property in a multibranch pipeline should ignore checking the primary SCM
JENKINS-45773Global grace period not working for Git (not Github) push notification and Multibranch Pipeline
JENKINS-45502Add concept of "interesting" to SCMHead and SCMRevision
JENKINS-42976Provide a way to refresh Org Folder metadata without indexing
JENKINS-42783Custom views no longer available
JENKINS-41747Display statuses on the organization dashboard page
JENKINS-41073MultiBranch projects should veto SCM Polling
JENKINS-40486Plugin does not adhere to documented global variables
JENKINS-39785Error in "Folder Computation" - any possibility to be notified?
JENKINS-37588Multibranch pipeline does not allow quiet time or throttle
JENKINS-37570Jenkins starts to response super slow after creating 400 branch jobs from Multi-branch-project
JENKINS-37369Multibranch Pipeline: Last build information is not propagated to Jenkins View
JENKINS-35415Multiple branch projects per repository with different recognizers
JENKINS-35144UI for disabled branch projects
JENKINS-34779configurable scm polling for github organization folder jobs
JENKINS-33274"Base build" link for first build of branch project
JENKINS-30206Multibranch plugin: Modified properties do not propagate to existing branches