AWS Kinesis Consumer

Jenkins Plugin Jenkins Plugin Installs Build Status

aws-kinesis-consumer is a Jenkins plugin to connect to Kinesis and consume records coming from specific streams.

This plugin has global configuration only, so any features for user are not provided.


The plugin adds a "AWS Kinesis Consumer" section in the Global Configuration page:

Configuration page

These are the configurable parameters:

Main section

  • Enable consumer: when enabled the consumer will try to connect to all the configured streams
  • Region: AWS Region hosting the Kinesis stream. This parameter is optional. If set it will override any Region set in the Region Provider Chain.
  • ApplicationName: prefix added to the consumer name to make sure consumer names are unique as requested by Kinesis

Advanced Options are available to use AWS Kinesis instances running on Localstack:

Advanced Options

  • Local Endpoint: HTTP endpoint for the local AWS Kinesis stack
  • Shutdown timeout: maximum total time (milliseconds) waiting when shutting down Kinesis consumers. Default is 20 seconds.

Streams section

Multiple AWS Kinesis streams can be configured to listen from

  • Stream name: name of the Stream to consume events from
  • Initial position in stream: position to start consuming from (accepted values: TRIM_HORIZON or LATEST). This is only used before any checkpoint is taken. Once a checkpoint, this value will be ignored.
  • Trigger SCM Build: If set, a build of SCM sources will be triggered upon receiving a message. If the event received contains the configured project name in the specified JSON Path Query (see next parameter), a build will be triggered for SCM sources pointing to the project.
  • Project Name JSON Path query: JSON Path query to extract the project name from the event

Implement listener plugin

This plugin provides an interface to listen application records coming from Kinesis.

To implement listener in your plugin, the below dependencies need to be added in your pom.xml:




Following is the Extension Point that will have to be implemented:

Prepare a release

  1. Update the README with the release notes. Use the following oneliner to capture the changes since the last release:
> git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --no-merges
  1. Commit the README with the following message: "Prepare v<new_version> release notes". For example:
> git show  --pretty=format:"%s" -s  94398d33c4ca7f2010b01c8f6173a8c3cf79e0bf
Prepare v1.0.4 release notes
  1. Perform the release (NOTE: only the plugin maintainers have permissions to publish the artifacts):
> mvn release:clean release:prepare release:perform

The artifact will be available in the Jenkins Maven repository

Plugin Releases

v1.0.5 - Released - 17 September 2021

  • 87f58c6 Bump up Jenkins version to 2.312

v1.0.4 - Released - 15 September 2021

  • 0fab7b6 Move stream filtering to client
  • 6b3c9d1 Upgrade
  • b29949b Upgrade org.apache.commons:commons-compress

v1.0.3 - Released - 14 September 2021

  • 0e6bc81 Make consistent use of logger library
  • 58ca196 Handle kinesis record processor phases
  • be03616 Restart consumers upon configuration change
  • 67062a2 Introduce shutdownTimeoutMs configuration
  • ebc1f0c Automatically start consumers when jenkins is ready
  • 95deed1 Connect to multiple kinesis streams
  • c0867be Consolidate AWS async client builder
  • 088f0d6 Handle KinesisConsumer shutdown
  • abbd4f7 Make applicationName configurable

v1.0.2 - Released - 13 September 2021

Initial version of the plugin to connect and consume records from AWS Kinesis
