Acunetix 360 Scan
List of issuesKey | Summary | Created | Updated |
JENKINS-75206 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Refusing to marshal org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.CloseableHttpResponse for security reasons | | |
JENKINS-74489 | [acunetix-360-scan] Extract inline script blocks and event handler in com/acunetix/plugin/ACXScanBuilder/config.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74488 | [acunetix-360-scan] Extract inline script blocks in com/acunetix/plugin/ACXScanBuilder/global.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74487 | [acunetix-360-scan] Extract inline script blocks in com/acunetix/plugin/ACXScanResultAction/index.jelly | | |
JENKINS-67451 | Plugin doesn't appear in Configure->Add build step | | |