Pipeline: Job

List of issues
JENKINS-74908Option disableConcurrentBuilds(abortPrevious: true) still allows two job instances to execute in parallel, causing problems
JENKINS-73237Poll only single checkout for pipeline with build matrix
JENKINS-72922Child job MultipleCompilationErrorsException is not propagated to parent job when loading libraries failed
JENKINS-72830InterruptedException during initial checkout leads to FAILURE instead of ABORT
JENKINS-72010Allow project description to be set in properties()-step
JENKINS-70319getLogFile warning does not give sufficient info on root cause location
JENKINS-70087Build running or completed not displayed
JENKINS-69954Pipeline: intermittent 'Error initializing storage and loading nodes' message occurs in clusters, and runs end up hanging
JENKINS-69832Add documentation/help to the pipeline-syntax generator link
JENKINS-69749Add ability to abort all previous queued builds
JENKINS-69439Add a tool button to find next error step in flowGraphTable
JENKINS-69171Avoid calling getLogFile in Compress Build Log
JENKINS-69057The 'Build Triggers' button is missing from the sidebar on pipeline jobs
JENKINS-67385Choice parameter change to text fields when I click on rebuild allowing invalid values making this issue critical since we don't have manual check for parameters with choice
JENKINS-67056Workflow directory for build persist on master
JENKINS-66671Pipeline plugins still use old "ball" icons
JENKINS-65907disableConcurrentBuilds not enforced after upgrade to 2.289.1
JENKINS-65199"no such computer EC2" error using github webhook
JENKINS-65002Click on job name hangs and results into ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
JENKINS-64577No information reported in status page and console log when triggered parametrized build (Post-Build Section) is a pipeline job
JENKINS-64271Global shared Library with Scripted pipeline keep cache on shared Library version change
JENKINS-63577Jenkinsfile build fail - Null pointer exception in PipelineTriggersJobProperty
JENKINS-63173Configuration constantly modified by workflow-job plugin
JENKINS-63125"trying to open a build log" exceptions in jenkins.log
JENKINS-62385Add "Console For Stage" to Pipeline Stage View
JENKINS-61898"Recent changes" page is empty when using multiple SCM systems in pipeline
JENKINS-61257Parallel builds not creating different workspaces
JENKINS-60981FlowGraphTable view scales poorly for complex nested functions
JENKINS-60951NPE Generic Webhook trigger plugin invoke
JENKINS-60724$$ collapsed to $ in Pipeline parameter values
JENKINS-59304Abort running steps yields a blank page
JENKINS-57393SCM polling mechanism not consistent on restart
JENKINS-57069Snippet Generator: produce outdated code for 'properties: Set job properties'
JENKINS-56957Jenkins Pipeline Parallel step console log format issue
JENKINS-56913Support for filtering all occurrences of all parallel() branches except one in the job log
JENKINS-56910Can no longer search for branch names of parallel() branches
JENKINS-56875Missing parameters due to SECURITY-170
JENKINS-56734After upgrading jenkins from 2.60 to 2.150.3, we are seeing one alignment issue in the console log when we are running 2 stages parallelly in a pipeline job
JENKINS-56377console log hangs in web browser after upgrade
JENKINS-55506Pipeline job shows several identical link to workspace
JENKINS-55308intermittent "terminated" messages using sh in Pipelines
JENKINS-54996Immediate setup of SCM polling when using CpsScmFlowDefinition
JENKINS-52765flowGraphTable should collapse uninteresting nodes
JENKINS-52747Jenkins REST API - Cannot determine source SCM when using multiple scms in Pipeline
JENKINS-52376Trigger a build by tagging an existing commit
JENKINS-52230Race condition in log rotation leads to warning log
JENKINS-51978Change default execution node of pipeline jobs
JENKINS-51958Basic pipeline job Configuration: "Build periodically" is same with "Poll SCM"
JENKINS-51804Create Snippet Generator entry for shared library
JENKINS-51641Duplicate commits displayed on Pipeline build when using "Poll SCM" and "Pipeline script from SCM"
JENKINS-51184Killing off a bad pipeline run automatically
JENKINS-51002Quiet period for parameterized pipeline job not working fully
JENKINS-50800workspace/<jobname>* are not cleaned on SCM change.
JENKINS-50527workspace@scripts directory checks out whole SVN SCM
JENKINS-49502trigger properties in scripted pipeline require 2 builds to get registered
JENKINS-49426parallel steps only show branchname as prefix in console output
JENKINS-49307Disabling Jenkins pipeline (workflow) removes next build from queue
JENKINS-49161Unable to delete file causes Multibranch Pipeline scan FAILURE
JENKINS-49138Scheduling a Pipeline build should redirect to the new build, not job, index page
JENKINS-48784Workflow job doesn't update properly if you change a SCMStep polling from true to false
JENKINS-48558SCM change sets have the same items despite their relevant updates being different
JENKINS-48481UI wont finish workflow job
JENKINS-48479SCM change sets have the same URL and revision despite coming from different repositories
JENKINS-48435Allow users to set root path of Pipeline workspaces on master server
JENKINS-48342A pipeline job with mercurial scm can't be properly copied
JENKINS-48251Pipeline script from SCM with two repositories doesn't update correctly commit build
JENKINS-48048When I abort a Pipeline I mean for it to be aborted.
JENKINS-48029Plenty of Actions from ... included null not assignable to interface hudson.model.Action errors
JENKINS-48013Jenkins Pipeline does not clean Build Parameters properly after a build
JENKINS-47125"Click here to forcibly terminate running steps" link fails with 403 error
JENKINS-46961Pipelines interrupted while starting incorrectly resume after Jenkins restarts and cannot be killed
JENKINS-46938Duplicate 'Reply' and 'Pipeline steps' links on side panel
JENKINS-46468"no such computer" error occurs during SCM Pulling
JENKINS-45996Pipeline Poll SCM only check last successful
JENKINS-45861SCM pipelines get stuck and go into a zombie unkillable state
JENKINS-45788WARNING: Actions from org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.properties.PipelineTriggersJobProperty$Factory@1234 for org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowJob@123[job-name] included null not assignable to interface hudson.model.Action
JENKINS-45720Pipeline - plugin does not find SCMs on first execution
JENKINS-45571"likely stuck" job is not actually stuck.
JENKINS-45210[pipeline] console logging is too verbose
JENKINS-45073Jenkins job resuming starts even aborted jobs
JENKINS-44334Pipeline: Job v2.11 breaks build with bat() command
JENKINS-44218Downstream to Upstream Job Build Trigger doesn't work with Github Organization Jobs
JENKINS-44179Pipeline Main page make test results easily accessible
JENKINS-43982Show stage view for individual jobs
JENKINS-43859Very small window Race condition where a pipeline job could have run and created logs but not created a build.xml
JENKINS-41845Suppress default pipeline output
JENKINS-41006Pipeline job type to support upstream and downstream job links (same as freestyle)
JENKINS-40332Useless context for snippet generator in MBPL folder
JENKINS-40070${env.GLOBALSETTINGSNAME} invalid out of node context
JENKINS-39233Duplicate "Tag this build" links in Pipeline
JENKINS-37718Block Pipeline job while upstream or downstream projects are building
JENKINS-37384Changes view issues using Mercurial with Multibranch pipeline
JENKINS-36195Pipeline polling ignores special polling rules
JENKINS-35308Improve display of non-AbortException stack traces such as MissingPropertyException
JENKINS-34002Means of declaring a Pipeline's plugin requirements
JENKINS-33589Build history widget does not refresh status of Pipeline build which finishes after Jenkins restart
JENKINS-29880Honor getJobActions