Deploy WebLogic

The Jenkins project announced an unresolved security vulnerability affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
List of issues
JENKINS-74306[weblogic-deployer-plugin] Extract inline script block in org/jenkinsci/plugins/deploy/weblogic/WeblogicDeploymentPlugin/config.jelly
JENKINS-74305[weblogic-deployer-plugin] Extract inline event handler in org/jenkinsci/plugins/deploy/weblogic/data/DeploymentTask/task.jelly
JENKINS-72006Sometimes plugin hangs on Loading JDK
JENKINS-70512path after ":" is truncated in Linux controller Additional classpath configuration for windows agent
JENKINS-69206CVE-2019-10464 for WebLogic plugin to work with WebLogic 14c
JENKINS-66158Unable to connect to 'http://host:port': host. Ensure the url represents a compatible running admin server and that the credentials are correct. If using http protocol, tunneling must be enabled on the admin server.
JENKINS-65756Failed to deploy Ear on weblogic: Task completed abnorally (exit code =1). check your weblogic Deployment logs
JENKINS-65560weblogic plugin stores bad extraClasspath for "null" value
JENKINS-60789Getting error while deploying via Deploy Weblogic Plugin
JENKINS-60075Not able to deploy on Weblogic using Jenkins
JENKINS-58616Weblogic Deployment Issue
JENKINS-53614Unable to deploy the War file using Deploy Weblogic Plugin through jenkins using weblogic server.
JENKINS-53469ERROR: [WeblogicDeploymentPlugin] - Failed to get artifact from archive directory.
JENKINS-51477WebLogic Deployer globally disables following redirects for HttpUrlConnections
JENKINS-50625BUG: Java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.parsers.XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration cannot be cast to org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration
JENKINS-48054WebLogic deployment - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
JENKINS-47088Unable to deploy ear file using weblogic deployer plugin
JENKINS-46382Add ability to tokenize regex of candidate artifact
JENKINS-46184Jenkinsfile support
JENKINS-45173Copy user file credentials on node
JENKINS-45100Prevent missing JDK tools in global configruation if JDK tools is deleted
JENKINS-43342How to define remote location path
JENKINS-31763Deploy exploded application
JENKINS-21244Un-escaped $ in module file name passed in command line to weblogic.jar results in the input file not found deployer