Violation Comments to Bitbucket Server
List of issuesKey | Summary | Created | Updated |
#79 | warnings lost, or added as general comments | | |
#77 | Bump credentials from 2.1.4 to | | |
#76 | Jenkins agents becoming unresponsive during violations run | | |
#73 | Limit logging of files from Violations Lib | | |
#71 | Add support for client certificate as credentials | | |
#66 | To support Code Insights | | |
#65 | Identify that detecting violations from console/stage output is not supported (directly) | | |
#61 | Escaped single quote characters in comments | | |
#55 | "Outdated" comments not deleted | | |
#52 | Mark PR as "Needs work" if violations were found? | | |
#40 | Allow different reporter to use the same parser | | |
#31 | Bitbucket cloud support | | |
#28 | Possibility to use scm variable in multibranch pipeline | | |
#12 | Comment commits | | |