Test Results Analyzer

This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
List of issues
JENKINS-75315Add option to hide "Test Results Analyzer" link for jobs without tests
JENKINS-71757API to get test-result-analyzer plugin data
JENKINS-70496Upgrade Handlebars to >= 4.7.7 to fix CVE-2021-23369
JENKINS-70495[test-results-analyzer] customize the number of displayed "Top 10 Most Broken Tests"
JENKINS-68873[test-results-analyzer] Admin only XSS
JENKINS-59891Possibility to select whether to show test case as passed or failed when there are multiple executions of the same test
JENKINS-59637In TestComplete TestResults Un executed count is incorrect ( showing count of test items that are not supposed to be part of these results)
JENKINS-59463JUnit tests are showing incorrectly some tests fixed
JENKINS-57624Support of SonarQube generic execution report
JENKINS-56678Publishing Jacoco Test Results should update junitResult.xml
JENKINS-56374JUnitResultArchiver parsing XML in sort()->compare(), killing Jenkins
JENKINS-56094the name of testsuite and testcase are both on the top 10 most broken tests.
JENKINS-55294Exported CSV results do not escape double quotes
JENKINS-54963select which test runs to put in the chart instead of last n
JENKINS-54748Memory leak in test-results-analyzer causes Jenkins to crash
JENKINS-54014Test Results Analyzer Skipped Category wrong display
JENKINS-53349Parameterized Classes are not displayed properly when published with nunit-plugin
JENKINS-52177ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException retriving Test Result Trend Chart
JENKINS-51917ERROR: Step ‘Publish JUnit test result report’ failed: None of the test reports contained any result
JENKINS-51494Test result analyzer plugin: Feature to link failed tests with Jira issues.
JENKINS-48626handle parallel test execution in test-results-analyzer plugin
JENKINS-48445Jenkins Test Result Analyzer view showing "error" marked test cases in "passed" testcases
JENKINS-48321Show test class / package as skipped when all test methods are
JENKINS-47610Hide renamed/deleted package-class-testmethods from the test_results_analyzer main page
JENKINS-47276TestResults analysis graphs only displayed only for Junit.. While by using testNg graphs are not coming
JENKINS-46881After installed test-results analyser plugin, it doesn't reflect any changes in our jobs present in Jenkins. It is not showing any link on the left hand side of the jobs in Jenkins
JENKINS-46877problem with test-results analyser plugin
JENKINS-42668Tests Results Analyser Loading Time
JENKINS-41809Test Results Analyzer loading bar doesn't go away in IE11
JENKINS-40913test run time totals for test suites in table is the run time for the first test suite
JENKINS-38117After disabling the plugin "Test result Trend" still displayed
JENKINS-36134Allow users to disable/hide the test-results-analyzer-plugin per job
JENKINS-35166Not able to analyze maven projects
JENKINS-34302Test Result analyzer plugin always shows all data for Pie chart graph
JENKINS-34134Jenkins crashes with OOM when using this plugin
JENKINS-32207Support for exporting the results onto separate DB
JENKINS-32206Tabular report should load child results on request
JENKINS-32205Plugin should persist the evaluated results to improve performance
JENKINS-32139Allow users to provide multiple build numbers for report comparison
JENKINS-32045Need support to hide configuration methods
JENKINS-30522Test results analyser should support workflow
JENKINS-30434Use build displayName in table and charts
JENKINS-29491Support for build date as build status header in the report
JENKINS-29192Support for multi-module project
JENKINS-29113Option to see results calculated by packages or classes instead of methods
JENKINS-28236Test result trend graph in percentage
JENKINS-26567Tests result analyzer plugin not working