Telegram Bot

The Jenkins project announced an unresolved security vulnerability affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
List of issues
#78Enable Jenkins Security Scan
#77 I don't understand how to make the plugin work
#76Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:token-macro from 2.3 to 2.6
#75out of range of int
#74Bump job-dsl from 1.68 to 1.72
#73Telegram Bot Not Send message
#72FIXED c.f.j.c.JsonParseException: Numeric value out of range of int
#71Jenkins 2.303.3: telegramSend failed with Illegal character in path
#68Encode URLs properly to make the plugin work again
#67Exception during send message.
#66The bot does not work. At all.
#65How to pass chatId via freestyle gui?
#64Checkbox `Log to console` is reset after saved
#63Add params to Snippet Generator
#62adding command /chatid
#60TelegramToken problems
#59Setting plugin
#58Jenkins core, telegrambots libs upgrade, NPE fix
#57Add unit tests
#55Error building from snapshot
#54report build fail in spite of still send mess to telegram
#53Invalid parameter "chatId"
#52Bot token is exposed in html sources of Jenkins configuration page
#41where can i config the chart_id?
#40Missing working example
#38add Fixed status
#37How to send notification in bot?
#36Error in jenkins global log -
#34Error removing old webhook
#33Message do not sended. [400] Bad Request: can't parse entities
#28Unable to send Environment Variables on Windows Environment
#27How to send notifications to groups or channels?
#25Proxy (socks5) support request
#24Escaping environmental variables
#22Update README
#12Option to disable or escape markdown in message
#8Add channels support