Summary Display

List of issues
JENKINS-74190[summary_report] Extract inline script blocks in hudson/plugins/summary_report/ACIPluginBuildAction/componentTabs.jelly
JENKINS-74189[summary_report] Extract inline script block in lib/jquery/development-bundle/demos/index.html
JENKINS-74188[summary_report] Extract inline script blocks in hudson/plugins/summary_report/ACIPluginBuildAction/componentAccordion.jelly
#31Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.81 to 4.86
#18Update element to modern bootstrap
#17Migrate Jira issues into GitHub
#16Convert translations
#15Report an Issue
#14Add a contributing guide
JENKINS-66616PublishXML summary reports removed In jenkins DSL API
JENKINS-62035Tabular report no longer sortable
JENKINS-59056Report displays raw HTML if CDATA terms are used
JENKINS-55463Summay report plugin failed to transfer xml to html
JENKINS-44975Allow to specify the fold/unfold default status in accordion tag
#8Add bottom margin to report otherwise for long output where vertical scroll is needed the output will be visually covered by the Jenkins footer
JENKINS-37902Summary Display Plugin Does not Expand Variables used in "Files to parse"
JENKINS-34456Image Gallery Plugin does not play nice with XML-Summary Report plugin
JENKINS-33044Summary Report plug-in commpatibilit with pipeline
JENKINS-30717summary report href not working properly when choosing "show on project page"
JENKINS-30488Use Stapler adjunct to load JQuery
JENKINS-30072Summary Display Plugin Content Cut Off By Footer On The Job Page
JENKINS-28855SUMMARY REPORT does not display table cells with single digit/char entries correctly
JENKINS-25901Project Names with spaces break Tab and Accordion functionality
JENKINS-24229NPE in Summary Display Plugin
JENKINS-19475Hudson Summary Display Plugin not found by plugin Manager
JENKINS-18309Summary report display is empty on the project page (display ok for a build)
JENKINS-17572plugin fails to create tabs in some cases