#432 | Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.88 to 5.7 | | |
#430 | Jenkins Configuration as Code plugin compatibility | | |
#429 | Compatibility with Bitbucket's newly introduced "Required Builds" | | |
#425 | #234: Do not require a workspace to notify Bitbucket | | |
#422 | Allow overwriting global `includeBuildNumberInKey` configuration from individual Pipeline | | |
#421 | Bump io.jenkins.tools.bom:bom-2.440.x from 3387.v0f2773fa_3200 to 3435.v238d66a_043fb_ | | |
#407 | Enable Jenkins Security Scan | | |
#391 | Enhancement/restapi update | | |
#373 | Inquiry about Dynamic Credential Support in StashNotifier Plugin | | |
#367 | How to enable logs for this Plugin | | |
#290 | Bitbucket 7.15 RestAPI update | | |
#274 | Options to handle exception when notifying bitbucket | | |
#270 | Job continues to run on password expiration exception | | |
#244 | More control over bitbucket bit failure popup | | |
#234 | Don't require node block in Pipeline | | |
JENKINS-56247 | notifyBitbucket ignores projectKey | | |
#220 | Send one notification for a matrix job | | |
#214 | Invalid credential message with special characters in password | | |
JENKINS-52434 | Pipeline: notifyBitbucket() requires way too many parameters | | |
#183 | Calls to Bitbucket sometimes fail with com.atlassian.bitbucket.AuthorisationException error | | |
#175 | Different multibranch pipelines use the same key | | |
#154 | Unable to use cert credentials in newer version of plugin | | |
#142 | Cannot override projectKey in Jenkinsfile | | |
#85 | Bitbucket cloud support | | |
JENKINS-31978 | Option to select if each matrix job should report back to stash | | |
#74 | Pre-notify before build starts | | |
#31 | Retroactive Build Status Updates | | |