SSH Pipeline Steps

List of issues
JENKINS-75006Connect to Windows sshCommand via SSH in Jenkins pipeline to execute bat. The bat executed when canceling the task the bat does not exit
JENKINS-74831CustomLogHandler memory leak
JENKINS-73848failOnError parameter to most steps being ignored
JENKINS-72903sshCommand Auth fail with ed25519 key
JENKINS-72468Add step to rename remote directory or file with SFTP
JENKINS-72445ENV vars supplied IP address are treated as DNS names
JENKINS-72267Log4J dependency crashes `sshPut`
JENKINS-71939sshget not able to copy files locally unless you run any 'sh' command first
JENKINS-70076How to pass parameters to remote script with SSH steps plugin
JENKINS-69062sshGet only works after running sshPut
JENKINS-69055SSH Steps Plugin won't run in Jenkinsfile
JENKINS-68763sshCommand not working in post{} of declarative pipeline
JENKINS-65886sshCommand cannot access Environment variables, set from profile.d shell scripts
JENKINS-65704sshGet not supported to get directory
JENKINS-65533New OpenSSH format and ed25519 keys not supported
JENKINS-65179sshRemove: Failed SFTP RMDIR
JENKINS-65027sshGet: WORKSPACE does not exist.
JENKINS-64552ssh-steps-plugin doesn't allow credentials passed without string interpolation
JENKINS-64374suspect memory leak
JENKINS-63810sshPut is not working from inside of a containerized build environment
JENKINS-63196sshCommand run as sh
JENKINS-62736sshCommand returns - org.hidetake.groovy.ssh.session.BadExitStatusException: Command returned exit status 8
JENKINS-62511Add markUnstable flag for commands
JENKINS-62208sshGet (scp mode) is showing the entire contents of the file in console output log
JENKINS-61341FileNotFoundException if withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey]) is called twice
JENKINS-61050sshCommand sshGet fails to find file
JENKINS-60698sshCommand with sudo: true waits forever
JENKINS-60593Unable to run a background process using sshCommand
JENKINS-60156sshGet documentation should be more explanatory about arguments behavior
JENKINS-60079sshScript does not run a batch file on a windows remote
JENKINS-59781sshCommand fails to flush full log on failure
JENKINS-58778[ sshPut ] unable to copy only contents inside folder. put always copying full folder
JENKINS-55817Support Credentials store for SSH Steps
JENKINS-52226Docs on Github Pages