SonarQube Scanner

List of issues
JENKINS-73572add jenkins job related information for errors/warnings
JENKINS-73413SonarQube Scanner: Unable to add credentials to SonarQube Server Config
JENKINS-73376WebhookEvents are not removed if the waitForQualityGate step is executed after analysis is already completed.
JENKINS-72965Enhancement Request: Support for Conjur Credentials in Jenkins Sonar Plugin
JENKINS-72079intermittent error unable to guess sonarqube task id
JENKINS-72033Sonar errors linked to an old configuration in Jenkins
JENKINS-71764Changing Sonar Global configuration does not apply to existing projects actions
JENKINS-71251A dot is created in path of report on use of the step sonarscanner
JENKINS-71057Plugin uses sonar.login which causes warnings with every analysis
JENKINS-70993waitForQualityGate java.util.NoSuchElementException caused by "cannot find current thread"
JENKINS-70694Sonar Plugin Causes Hung Threads
JENKINS-70218waitForQualityGate could get stuck (2.15)
JENKINS-69747User should be able to customize name of link to SonarQube
JENKINS-69464Cannot configure msBuildSQRunnerInstallation global tool using JCASC
JENKINS-69412Jenkins Sonar plugin times out during report publish
JENKINS-68615Sonarqube got spammed by plugin
JENKINS-68326Sonarqube Threads TIMED_WAITING
JENKINS-66809Display SonarQube gif and link in Build History for each SonarQube projects used in Jenkins Job
JENKINS-66696Allow to set status UNSTABLE instead of FAILED
JENKINS-66353No public field webhookSecretId
JENKINS-64370groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: scannerHome for class: groovy.lang.Binding at groovy.lang.Binding.getVariable(
JENKINS-60621unable to add sonar project key in the jenkins.
JENKINS-58509Multibranch Pipeline shows stacktrace on branches page
JENKINS-57535Sonar Issue
JENKINS-57157Global Tools fail to update automatic installs
JENKINS-56515SonarQube scanner exited with non-zero code: 2
JENKINS-55154withSonarQubeEnv not displaying actual error information
JENKINS-54501ClassCastException in SonarUtils getPersistentActions
JENKINS-53820If no Server Authentication Token is defined, it will cause builds to fail
JENKINS-52252Sonar QualityGate continues even if the analysis fails
JENKINS-50935All jobs executing SonarQube Scanner lost server related vars after plugin upgrade to 2.7.1
JENKINS-50720Sonarqube Scanner 2.7 is ignoring the Server URL setting in Jenkins config when checking quality gate
JENKINS-43841Fail to Unpacking to Jenkins workspace and got ERROR: Build step failed with exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : Negative time
JENKINS-43417Sonar Badge does not show proper analysis URL
JENKINS-38177 Failed to serialize hudson.model.Project#publishers
JENKINS-37810Jenkins cannot run program sonar runner
JENKINS-31628SonarQube Post-build Action forgets configured JDK
JENKINS-31211Jenkins-sonar-plugin throwing errors suddenly
JENKINS-31056Post-build Actions -> SonarQube does not save Use private Maven repository setting
JENKINS-28537Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:2.0:sonar (default-cli) on project XXXXX: Can not execute Sonar: Can not execute Findbugs: TimeoutException
JENKINS-28528Secret File missing during post build Action
JENKINS-28449Jenkins with Sonar plugin version 2.2/2.2.1 deadlock problems
JENKINS-27553ERROR: Publisher hudson.plugins.sonar.SonarPublisher aborted due to exception
JENKINS-26330Renaming global install sonar do not rename install name in job configuration
JENKINS-26285Error during Sonar runner execution + Caused by: Task Job1 does not exist
JENKINS-24044SonarQube's sonar.ProjectBaseDir Set to the first module on the list
JENKINS-23559Configure repository in Jenkins
JENKINS-23422Sonar runner plugin blocks jenkins web UI
JENKINS-22726URL Link to Sonar server does not honor server protocol
JENKINS-21607Option to auto escape characters not allowed in sonar branches
JENKINS-21492Links to SonarQube project pages incorrect when using multiple "Invoke standalone Sonar analysis" steps with different branch values
JENKINS-19991Sonar runner plugin doesn't let you control execution directory, problem if you need proejct base to be top level
JENKINS-19014Sonar installation not available to standalone runner build steup
JENKINS-18864Add an integration to the config-file-provider plugin in the sonar plugin
JENKINS-18478Build of deleted SONAR jobs
JENKINS-8821Remote API to createItem configuration inconsistant