This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
List of issues
JENKINS-69400SLOCCount plugin throws Java error and JAXBException
JENKINS-67523Publish SLOCCount results does not expand $BUILD_NUMBER Environment Variable
JENKINS-62940No sloccount results in dahsboard tables
JENKINS-51799When using SLOCcount plugin to vizualize two different xml reports it shows data from only one report in two graphics
JENKINS-40646add support for USC CodeCount (ucc) SLOC tool
JENKINS-32524Show Line Count Delta per file in the SLOCCount Results Table
JENKINS-30850Provide SLOCCount trend chart reset possibility
JENKINS-29839SLOCCount Plug-in should allow missing reports possibility
JENKINS-29614Dashboard loading takes ages, sloccount iterates over non cached builds
JENKINS-29607Dashboard loading takes ages
JENKINS-29351Links from project page.
JENKINS-29216SLOCCount plugin is not releasing log
JENKINS-22597Error 404 when trying to access language details for "C/C++ Header"