#1036 | Multiple False Failures | | |
#1021 | WARNING j.p.slack.StandardSlackService#postToSlack: Response Code: 404 | | |
#1003 | Add debug info | | |
#999 | slack notification plugging | | |
#998 | Update SlackUploadFileStep help-channel to use channel ID instead of … | | |
#986 | Slack notification issue | | |
#971 | Allow null for color, and do not add if if is null. | | |
#954 | feat: allow relying on manually defined user ID when resolving users/email | | |
#947 | SlackResponse.addReaction should throw Exception incase of permission issue | | |
#941 | DMs stopped working after slack upgrade | | |
#940 | RemoveReaction is not working after SlackSend | | |
#937 | Can't override global configuration per project with "override-url" | | |
#934 | Slack Notifications are Duplicated on Channel | | |
#930 | slackUserIdsFromCommitters() returns empty list for pipeline projects | | |
#924 | slackUploadFile returns null response | | |
#919 | Test class name missing (unnamed) | | |
#915 | slack notification | | |
#897 | send allure report to slack | | |
#887 | Dependency Dashboard | | |
#858 | not sending two successive notifications in slack (peer not authenticated) | | |
#857 | Omitting `room` from Slack JCasC configuration leads to "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Project Channel or Slack User ID must be specified." | | |
#854 | response.threadId with notifyCommitters is unreliable | | |
#851 | Slack send reports invalid json error when reading from file for the blocks | | |
#844 | Messages sent to the wrong user sporadically when using notifyCommitters | | |
#838 | Commit list enabled, but is empty in sent message | | |
#804 | support for icon_url slack api parameter | | |
JENKINS-68017 | Getting exception while posting messages over slack | | |
#784 | Replace default message pattern in notify in Freestyle job | | |
#783 | Option to Pin CI failure messages in Slack channel | | |
#781 | sendAsText is only used for test connections | | |
#776 | Slacksend returns null response | | |
#775 | Slack Header Content-type coding=utf-8 | | |
#774 | Don't include null customMessage on back to normal or if it's missing/empty | | |
#771 | Slack Send Message is working but Slack Response to Jenkins fails because of Invalid JSON response | | |
#767 | slackUserIdFromEmail() Doesn't Work | | |
#764 | Does the test summary support TAP tests? | | |
#762 | Warning about Anonymous Classes | | |
JENKINS-65543 | slackUploadFile can`t send files to a channel with special characters | | |
#755 | SlackResponse should have a getPermalinkURL method | | |
#752 | How to get a token? | | |
#749 | Issue with uploading files. | | |
JENKINS-64607 | Unable to update script security plugin | | |
#746 | SlackNotifier circular dependency warning | | |
JENKINS-64240 | Does tim get emails now? | | |
JENKINS-64207 | Tim doesn't get emails | | |
#739 | slackUserIdsFromCommitters(botUser: true) is crashing | | |
#736 | Support emoji reactions across runs/restarts | | |
#735 | Slack message being truncated around 2048 chars | | |
#732 | how to send message to whole width in slack? | | |
#731 | Restructure docs to make bot user mode the default | | |
#728 | Response Code: 302 | | |
#727 | slackSend with notifyCommitter throws NPE | | |
#726 | slackUserIdFromEmail throws exception | | |
#725 | Slack plugin version 2.41 breaks slack integration | | |
#721 | Slack User ID from profile | | |
#710 | Global settings | | |
#706 | How to Delete Slack Message? | | |
JENKINS-62670 | Slack notification plugin - Credentials in JCasC not working | | |
#699 | Updating slack-message with multiple channels only updates one channel | | |
#693 | Notification from unknown user. | | |
#690 | Add support for `as_user` boolean parameter for legacy bots | | |
#689 | UI plugin showing slack message header with no way to exclude it. | | |
#685 | Plugin provides non-descript error if channel not found. | | |
#683 | Update guidance on new bot scopes. | | |
#666 | NullPointerException when trying to send slack with notifyCommitters: true and the commiter doesn't have the Slack App installed | | |
#665 | NullPointerException when trying to send slack with notifyCommitters: true | | |
#658 | How to handle button click callbacks? | | |
#655 | Need to be able to specify a user's e-mail in slackSend | | |
#654 | How to resolve a UserID from email | | |
#653 | Support credentials domain specification | | |
#652 | Notifying a single user in a declarative pipeline | | |
#644 | Slack Notifications are not working on First Failure Only when Git is used | | |
#637 | Mark Jenkins build as failed after "will send OnEveryFailureNotification because build matches and user preferences allow it" | | |
#636 | JobDSL: Set default values for slackNotifier if values unset | | |
#625 | Global notification for back to normal status | | |
#616 | Please add support to have multiple Slack Notifications | | |
#597 | Option to include failed tests and test summary in pipeline script | | |
#570 | Cannot override global configuration 'Is Bot User?' with botUser parameter in slackSend step | | |
#568 | Last Found Build is Sometimes Current Build | | |
#567 | Rework notify UI layout | | |
#540 | Slack notification not working with conditional step plugin | | |
JENKINS-55787 | Switch labels from entry to checkbox | | |
#489 | Remove Default Message when Custom Message used | | |
#476 | Message is empty | | |
#431 | slack notifier in SlackJobProperty or pipeline syntax is missing | | |
#397 | Ability to include changelog information on pipeline script | | |
#383 | "Include Test Summary" is not fetching data from output xml file. | | |
#349 | Ability to have multiple Slack-Notifications as Post-Build-Actions | | |
#346 | Possibility to linkify issue keys in commit messages | | |
#309 | Include Build Duration | | |
#308 | Filter commits by author | | |
#302 | Post test results even if build succeeds | | |
#289 | Expose MessageBuilder functionality to declarative pipeline | | |
#254 | Slack plugin sends upstream git changelogs when build doesn't have it's own changes. | | |
JENKINS-36540 | "Back to normal" times reported in Slack notifications don't make much sense | | |
#227 | New Feature: Slack channel field accepts a variable | | |
#221 | Feature Request: Single-Message Builds | | |
#219 | Feature Request - Display both author and committer | | |
#179 | Having all checkboxs consistently on either left side or right side of title text | | |
#172 | Display coverage data if present | | |
#57 | Post jenkins build output (console output) to slack | | |
#39 | Option to only notify the user who broke the build | | |