Service Now

List of issues
#46More verbose documentation on 'credentialsId' & Pipeline Syntax Support
#45Bump junit from 1.19 to 1166.va_436e268e972
#44Bump script-security from 1.28 to 1229.v4880b_b_e905a_6
#41Bump support-core from 2.32 to 1206.v14049fa_b_d860
#40Bump jackson-databind from to
#38Bump hashicorp-vault-plugin from 2.2.0 to 354.vdb_858fd6b_f48
#34Bump workflow-cps-plugin.version from 2.21 to 2.94.4
JENKINS-67446Servicenow CI/CD plugin
#31Support creation of change requests without producer
#29Random change being updated with post step when sys_id="null" typo fix
#27Get Change State Return null after Paris patch 4
#25Does not support CMDB Tables
#24Enabling proxy calls to ServiceNow
#14Doesn't work with proxy ?
JENKINS-54624ServiceNow Pluging not working
#11Adding a first test for service now execution
JENKINS-49247Write tests for steps
JENKINS-49246Write tests for ServiceNowExecution
JENKINS-49245Support XML API
JENKINS-49244Validate table name somehow or provide a set of defined tables
JENKINS-49243First release of plugin