Script Security

List of issues
JENKINS-75200Quadratic algorithm in SecureGroovyScript.cleanUpGlobalClassValue - repeated remove from array
JENKINS-74781Jenkins asking for same script approval even after script is approved with the latest release plugin
JENKINS-73861NonCPS method in parallel() results to java.lang.SecurityException: Rejecting unsandboxed method
JENKINS-73273Scripts not permitted to use new java.util.Properties
JENKINS-73268Calling constructors not allowed anymore in global shared libraries
JENKINS-72620Typoing a method name or calling with incorrect parameters yields RejectedAccessException
JENKINS-72239Scripts are not getting approved , when I post the updated config.xml with api using Admin credential and token
JENKINS-72230Script security prompt for inline pipeline broken when perceived syntax error
JENKINS-71827Jenkins asking for same script approval even after script is approved
JENKINS-71783Configure aclApprovedSignatures with JCasC
JENKINS-71760Unable to create class instance when running Groovy script file
JENKINS-71736Unable to see script approval for getCauses() method in userinput
JENKINS-71524Using a method reference in a parallel step causes a script security exception
JENKINS-71056Shared library Enum fails on valueOf
JENKINS-69606Ability to whitelist steps in Jenkinsfiles while allowing all steps in global pipeline libraries
JENKINS-69452JCasC JSON Schema output lacks scriptApproval properties
JENKINS-69435Scripts can not get approved
JENKINS-68711Script approval page does not display new scripts.
JENKINS-67956Missing input validation for signature approvals causing IOException
JENKINS-66600Superclass' static fields are not accessible in subclass' static methods
JENKINS-65811Script Security causes bottleneck on caffeine cache
JENKINS-65675After cleaning approved script list, job throwing error UnapprovedUsageException but no pending sript approvals
JENKINS-64607Unable to update script security plugin
JENKINS-64509Script Security "approved assuming permission check" doesn't allow execution of approved methods
JENKINS-67601Is the example in "In-process Script Approval" document valid?
JENKINS-64057Whitelist XmlUtil and a few java.util scripts
JENKINS-63923Processing DSL script issue
JENKINS-63884Pipeline DSL has security exception if pipeline map defined outside of the method scope
JENKINS-63688Script approval : Pending script approval
JENKINS-63668After removal of approval, usage does not trigger re-approval
JENKINS-62749Groovy Sandbox doesn't allow to use Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST to class instance in shared library
JENKINS-62513Script not yet approved issue for seed job
JENKINS-62448Enhance information displayed in Script approval page
JENKINS-62207No such field found: field currentResult
JENKINS-61901Cannot use property value from Folder properties in Jenkinsfile pipeline script
JENKINS-61883Can't access JSONObject entries
JENKINS-60682Improve scriptApproval ux
JENKINS-59421Script Security plugin 1.62 is not working
JENKINS-58894whitelist entry for java.lang.CharSequence does not match a java.lang.String object
JENKINS-58876System.currentTimeSeconds not found in pipeline
JENKINS-58803Script Approval: No such constructor found even so the constructor is defined
JENKINS-58611Implement method comparison for var-args
JENKINS-57431Library with static method initialized field fails on reboot
JENKINS-57342Java Array .length is incorrectly determined as a call on the array type
JENKINS-56948Whitelist Enum.valueOf()
JENKINS-56905Script-security plugin enable print password credentials without approbation
JENKINS-56842RejectedAccessException for constructor despite being whitelisted
JENKINS-56758Varargs not supported in shared pipeline method signatures
JENKINS-56689Much-used String.join() method not in default whitelist
JENKINS-56651Script security rejects Java method - no option to approve it
JENKINS-56486Improve UX to prevent admins from approving blacklisted methods without understanding the impact
JENKINS-56330Expecting groovy.lang.Closure, got org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsClosure2
JENKINS-55777Direct field access in super class fails
JENKINS-55001Sandboxed System Groovy Scripts don't support multiple assignments (with Tuples)
JENKINS-54960Closure-less overloads in DefaultGroovyMethods should be whitelisted
JENKINS-54952Script Security seems to block ArrayList method as method on members when parantheses are omitted
JENKINS-54941missing whitelist: String.valueO(int)
JENKINS-54609Approve assuming permission check for parameters change actions
JENKINS-54510Job dsl doesn't update script approval when job already exists
JENKINS-54226Script not approved for use exception at the end of every build log - even for jobs with no groovy scripts
JENKINS-54160Script Security: org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: Scripts not permitted to use staticMethod Globals getNumber_of_quarantaene
JENKINS-53700Script Approval: Pending script approvals not filled when using declarative pipeline
JENKINS-53302Pipeline script from SCM: Scripts not permitted to use staticMethod org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods round, org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods toFloat
JENKINS-52436Cannot evaluate ArrayList.size or first inside Groovy Sandbox
JENKINS-52294Cannot use index or range in sandboxed scripts
JENKINS-51859Unable to call super methods inside closure defined in class method
JENKINS-50869Calling `empty` on Groovy list leads to a list being returned, not correct check
JENKINS-50712branchSources in MultibranchWorkflowJob and PipelineJob asking for vulnerable signature approvals when running in sandbox
JENKINS-50660Whitelist: JsonOutput.toJson(Object) not included in generic whitelist
JENKINS-50305sandbox should handle normal Groovy coercions
JENKINS-50270Whitelist built-in exception constructors
JENKINS-49701Would like a new section of the Script security approval page to be "pending scripts from Disabled Jobs"
JENKINS-49621Script approvals require a reboot to take effect
JENKINS-49597Scripts not permitted to use staticMethod <Serializable object>
JENKINS-48726Scripts not permitted to use staticMethod org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods asBoolean java.lang.Number
JENKINS-48108isMoreSpecific fails in script security for overloads
JENKINS-48069Scripts not permitted to use staticMethod org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods minus java.util.List java.lang.Iterable
JENKINS-48046Script approval prompts do not indicate to the administrator which Pipeline tried to use a method
JENKINS-47440In-Process Script Approval page does not explain what "approve assuming permission check" does
JENKINS-47392Audit mode for script security execution
JENKINS-47371Reload Configuration from Disk does not work for Script Approvals XML
JENKINS-47270Need to be able to back-up/restore approved scripts.
JENKINS-46327GString map identifiers don't work in sandboxed Groovy code
JENKINS-46246Add "Save" Button for Script Security Plugin
JENKINS-45976In-process Script Approval provides no interface/indication of approved Pipeline scripts
JENKINS-45957In-process script approval should allow addition of user-specified blacklisted method signatures
JENKINS-45778readFileFromWorkspace Not Whitelisted for Script Security
JENKINS-43722After cleaning approved script list, the previously approved scripts do not reappear
JENKINS-43484security sandbox rejects String join method
JENKINS-42129Closure delegate idiom fails attempting to call .DefaultGroovyMethods.invokeMethod(Object, String, Object)
JENKINS-41376RejectedAccessException: unclassified field java.lang.Class lastMatcher
JENKINS-41273Add @Blacklisted annotation
JENKINS-39773Check if script needs approval before executing it
JENKINS-38970Built-in whitelist should be shown in the "In-process Script Approval" page
JENKINS-38945Pipeline script doesn't find method with explicit parameter type
JENKINS-38796Classpath hashes are fragile at best
JENKINS-37936Whitelist.all() fails to include dynamically installed plugins
JENKINS-37398unclassified field groovy.util.Node xxx
JENKINS-35391Improve UX of Groovy sandbox for Pipeline builds
JENKINS-35358Notification to admins on new pending script approval
JENKINS-35357Script security should save and track rejections
JENKINS-35352unclassified field result when trying to call setResult on wrong type
JENKINS-35071Do not compile script on every evaluate
JENKINS-35065Let whitelists be defined with wildcards
JENKINS-33051Groovy Star-Dot operator not supported in sandbox
JENKINS-33023Enums are not supported in sandbox
JENKINS-31201Job DSL support for ScriptApproval (was: Groovy postbuild ignores RUN_SCRIPTS permission)
JENKINS-28587Whitelist should have access to root Whitelist
JENKINS-28170Named parameters are not supported in the sandbox
JENKINS-24982Bottom-up white/blacklisting vs top-down
JENKINS-24791Page to approve / deny scripts should contain links to jobs
JENKINS-24650Add syntax highlighting like the Scriptler and Groovy plugins have
JENKINS-23578REST/CLI access to ScriptApproval
JENKINS-22661Pending script approvals should be deleted if an administrator saves that script
JENKINS-22660More flexible UI for approved signatures
JENKINS-17418Enhancement to all Groovy Editing Interfaces to allow easy use of External Groovy Editors