Scoring Load Balancer

List of issues
#108Add support for configuration as code plugin
#65[JENKINS-70726] Build result scoring skipped on pipeline jobs
#64Scoring by Build Results always resulting in zero score (JENKINS-70726)
#54Add workaround to prevent simultaneous builds from starting on the wrong node (#30)
#49Migrate Jira issues
#30Simultaneous timed builds omit the first selected node from the executor list for the second scored build
#27Add contributing guide
#15Fix tests
#12Update label colors
#9Dependency Dashboard
JENKINS-70726Scoring by Build Results always resulting in zero score
JENKINS-65699missing interoperability with swarm plugin
JENKINS-62356Launch on-demand agents with higher score
JENKINS-41267scoring-load-balancer support for pipeline jobs
JENKINS-20439Scoring-load-balancer - Scoring Rule for nodes which have workspace checked out