AWS SQS Build Trigger

Fixed an issue that could cause the plugin to randomly stop polling a queue.

Installation options


  • Fixed a race condition that would sometimes cause multiple threads to poll a queue. This caused jobs to randomly fail to start, depending on which jobs where attached to the thread that received the message.
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Jenkins 2.x that could caused the plugin to become unavailable until Jenkins was restarted.
  • The plugin now correctly restarts monitoring of a queue if credentials for that queue are updated. Before, the plugin would continue using the old credentials until Jenkins was restarted.
  • The plugin now correctly restarts monitoring of a queue if a job is associated with the queue after all previously associated jobs were removed. Before, the monitor for that queue would fail to start again until Jenkins was restarted.
  • The plugin no longer stops to monitor a queue if an unexpected message is encountered. Messages that cannot be parsed are now ignored.
  • The plugin now stops to monitor a queue if credentials for that queue are invalid.

Installation options


  • Fix installation error in case optional plugins are not installed
  • Fix endless retries in case a queue is deleted


  • Update plugin to be compatible with Jenkins 2.x


  • Minimum supported Jenkins version is now 1.626
  • Updated Amazon SQS SDK to version 1.11.7

Installation options

Fix settings in POM.xml to prepare for release on

Installation options