Request Rename Or Delete

The Jenkins project announced unresolved security vulnerabilities affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):

Deprecated: This plugin has been marked as deprecated. In general, this means that this plugin is either obsolete, no longer being developed, or may no longer work.

More information about the cause of this deprecation, and suggestions on how to proceed may be found in the documentation below.
This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.

This plugin adds new actions on jobs for users to request that their jobs are renamed or deleted

This plugin is no longer maintained and has been deprecated. The functionality has been migrated onto the new Requests Plugin. Please download the new plugin from GitHub or search for “requests-plugin" under “Manage plugins/Available” on your Jenkins system to install it directly.

About this plugin

This plugin adds two new actions on jobs' screen, so that users who don't have the required permissions to rename and/or delete jobs can request the Jenkins administrator to do so.
The Jenkins administrator then gets a dedicated screen to handle all the incoming requests.

How does it work?

For users

Renaming request

Users who have the configure permission but not the create and delete ones can configure jobs but not rename them. With this plugin, they'll get a new Ask for renaming action on their jobs:

When clicking on it, they'll be presented with a screen that allows defining the new name for the job:

When clicking on the Send request button, a new item would appear in the administrator's management screen (cf. below) for him to perform (or not) the request.

Deletion request

Users who don't have the delete permission can't, of course, delete jobs. The plugin offers for them a new Ask for deletion action on their jobs:

When clicking on it, they'll be presented with a confirmation screen and, if the request for deletion is confirmed, a new item would appear in the administrator's management screen (cf. below) for him to perform (or not) the request.

For administrators

Administrators get a new Pending renaming and deletion requests entry in Jenkins' main configuration screen (Manage Jenkins > Configure System):

This offers a screen which centralizes all renaming and deletion requests:

Administrators can then select a set of requests and apply or cancel them.

Version history

Version 1.1.0 (03/01/2011)

  • Fixed JENKINS-12897: RROD enhancements: Sort requests, link to config.xml, etc.
  • "Pending renaming and deletion requests" screen enhancements
    • Displays the requests' creation date
    • A select All/None check box
    • An error messages box

Version 1.0.2 (10/17/2011)

Version 1.0.1 (10/07/2011)

  • Permissions were not properly handled when using projects-based ones

Version 1.0 (09/08/2011)

  • Initial release