RocketChat Notifier

The Jenkins project announced an unresolved security vulnerability affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
List of issues
JENKINS-71197Plugin not working: NPE on getChannels() call
JENKINS-64440Rocket Chat plugins - Test connection success but fails in logs
JENKINS-64326Rocketchat Notifier plugin: password is stored in plain text
JENKINS-64325Channel name must be room's "name", "fname" does not work failes to serve RocketChatNotifier/testConnection plugin does not work with AD-user username+password
JENKINS-60743Problem with Rockketchat Notification Plugin
JENKINS-59154Emoji support for publisher usage
JENKINS-57465Add support for fields in RocketChat attachments
JENKINS-56087Chanel name case sensitive error ignored
JENKINS-55953JCasC compability with RocketChat Notifier Plugin
JENKINS-54422Ability to specify custom message per Action
JENKINS-54091Messages with ampersands are HTML escaped
JENKINS-47858ERROR: RocketChat notification failed in login sequence
JENKINS-43275Support for BlueOcean plugin
JENKINS-39691OAuth Support