Redis Fingerprint Storage
🧰 Maintenance
- testIsReadyWithoutPasswordWhenPasswordIsConfigured can throw IOException @stellargo (#54)
📝 Documentation updates
📦 Dependency updates
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix url in pom.xml so documentation get rendered correctly in @stellargo (#49)
🚀 New features and improvements
- [JENKINS-62756] Introduce Redis Fingerprint Cleanup @stellargo (#23)
- [JENKINS-62880] Migrate RedisFingerprintStorage to use Descriptor Configuration @stellargo (#36)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [JENKINS-63225] Fix JedisException when empty list is returned @stellargo (#47)
- [JENKINS-63148] Fix changingRedisConfigAndRefreshWebUITest @stellargo (#44)
🧰 Maintenance
📝 Documentation updates
📦 Dependency updates