
List of issues
JENKINS-74857Render FORMATTED_HTML choice type as they appear in build page instead of input field
JENKINS-74845Rebuild plugin doesn't work with the RESTList parameter plugin
JENKINS-73602Issue with Git Parameter
JENKINS-72911JDK Parameter not remembered
JENKINS-72635Project-inheritance plugin causes screen failures
JENKINS-72634Rebuild causes Folders Plugin NPE when moving a project
JENKINS-72363Plugin allows rebuild builds with manually entered passwords in Jenkins Password Parameter field
JENKINS-71932Rebuild plugin doesn't work from build result Parameters or Timings view
JENKINS-71598Rebuild also restarts from stage if last build was restarted from stage
JENKINS-70330Rebuild plugin hit "net.sf.json.JSONException: JSONObject["selectedTests"] not found"
JENKINS-69559Plugin Rebuild - different view for build and rebuild for Jenkins 2.346.3
JENKINS-68867<st:include> The page attribute is not specified
JENKINS-67959Rebuild Plugin uses plaintext box for choices parameter
JENKINS-67794Rebuild plugin should not store "not stored password parameter"
JENKINS-67770Non-Admin users see "Replay" button with "Rebuild" as text label
JENKINS-67565how to check "Rebuild Without Asking For Parameters" in pipeline job via Jenkinsfile
JENKINS-65255Jenkins job re-ran after configuration change
JENKINS-63512Cannot disable the Rebuilder plugin in Multibranch Pipeline jobs
JENKINS-63364Rebuild Plugin doesn't work with Validating Email Parameter Plugin
JENKINS-61590RebuildCause should not inherit from UpstreamCause
JENKINS-60060Rebuild plugin doesn't rebuild branch, but rebuilds from last commit
JENKINS-60028Jenkinsfile when changeset skipped if already built
JENKINS-57267Rebuild's "Remember Password" remembers Non-Stored Password Parameters
JENKINS-56860Rebuild plugin records incorrect "Started by user"
JENKINS-56778User build cause incorrect when rebuilding
JENKINS-56753Add rebuild from failure stage(s) for pipeline jobs
JENKINS-55922Rebuild Last- password visible in browser Inspect
JENKINS-49348BlueOcean misses a button to re-run a build
JENKINS-49224Rebuild plugin (v1.25) does not remember merge request params
JENKINS-48660Environment variable for the rebuild job
JENKINS-48462Api endpoint (IE
JENKINS-48147Rebuild plugin should add "Rescheduled build # xxx" under old build details
JENKINS-47686Unable to render rebuild page if the job is not configured with the parameter while parameter was fed
JENKINS-45402java.lang.NullPointerException at com.sonyericsson.rebuild.RebuildAction.doConfigSubmit(
JENKINS-45373Can't rebuild Job
JENKINS-44827Missing new parameters added when "Rebuild without Asking for Parameters"
JENKINS-41529Rebuilder support by copyartifact
JENKINS-41240naginator-plugin allows some build parameters to be changed via request parameters
JENKINS-40837Rebuild pull request job in jenkins throws error
JENKINS-40175Masked Passwords are shown while rebuild.
JENKINS-39978hidden build parameters with its value "xxxBuildSelector" causes rebuild to fail
JENKINS-39218Rebuild uses the wrong commit
JENKINS-34793Request for rebuild last column
JENKINS-34449Ability to rebuild/run the job on the same host
JENKINS-34028Add option to disable workspace cleanup for build rerun
JENKINS-34027Add environmnet variable with build_number for a build being rebuild
JENKINS-33014Allow build environment variables to be re-used in re-build
JENKINS-32833Rebuild plugin doesn't rebuild job when using dynamic choice parameter
JENKINS-31843Gerrit build parameters lost in downstream job if rebuild when using build is parameterized
JENKINS-31730OFFLINE_NODE_WHEN_COMPLETE not recognized on manual rebuild leaving node online
JENKINS-30781Using the Rebuild Plugin puts the previous Build Trigger Badge instead of the user one
JENKINS-30532rebuild shuld not store last used password non-stored
JENKINS-30397Not building a job on proper Node
JENKINS-30159No Link from Original Build to Rebuild Build
JENKINS-29765Build Retry (both Naginator and Rebuild) pick the latest commit, not retrying one
JENKINS-29671Latest version of Rebuild Plugin does not use all environment parameters while rebuilding.
JENKINS-28054Rebuild Plugin doesn't work with Repository Connector Plugin
JENKINS-27340Rebuild last parameters from upstream build disappear from when upgrade to v1.22
JENKINS-26888Test selector is not working with rebuild
JENKINS-26829Rebuild plugin doesn't work with Patch Parameter plugin
JENKINS-25827rebuild plugin does not support File parameters
JENKINS-24585Change text on button to "Rebuild Last Completed Build"
JENKINS-24017"Rebuild Last" can trigger the wrong build
JENKINS-23195Rebuild Plugin with textarea
JENKINS-21663logging id of user who used rebuild action
JENKINS-21385Add ENVIRONMENTAL variable saying that a build is a rebuild
JENKINS-20962'Rebuild' of a job fails with a servlet excption: net.sf.json.JSONException: JSONObject["tag"] not found.
JENKINS-19665Rebuilding inheritable project results in 404 error
JENKINS-18923NPE when trying to rebuild last configuration from inside a View or trying triggering specific Matrix build
JENKINS-18348Failed to use rebuild function - Class not found
JENKINS-17701IllegalArgumentException with copyartifact.BuildSelector
JENKINS-16932Exception: net.sf.json.JSONException: JSONObject["tag"] not found when doing a rebuild
JENKINS-16661Rebuild plugin crashes when used in conjuction with Random String Parameter Plugin
JENKINS-15306Ability to rebuild non-parameterized projects
JENKINS-14828Rebuilder plugin crashes when used in conjunction with Extended Choice Parameter
JENKINS-14419Error code 403 when trying to rebuild a job from the pipeline view
JENKINS-13647Environment variables from EnvInject plugin are not inherited/parsed by batch tasks
JENKINS-8628Remove 2 Minute Delay Before Rebuild
JENKINS-8136Rebuild parametrized matrix job doesn't work