Pyenv Pipeline

List of issues
#50plugin not reglecting
#49Error while creating virtualenv
#48persistent created venv between different steps
#47Allow Windows path with Unix path separators after drive letter
#46Create virtualenvs via '-m venv' not '-m virtualenv'
#45Support Python3 venv arguments
#44Python virtual environment isn't "activated" in kubernetes containers
JENKINS-65166Pipeline: withpythonenv jenkins failing
#43Can't find python exe file
#42[JENKINS-62484] Fix env vars handling
JENKINS-62484Pyenv corrupt VIRTUAL_ENV env var on Windows.
JENKINS-61731allow to use the python windows launcher (PEP-397)
JENKINS-61730create virtual env in current directory
#41Unable to find executable in PATH when using the plugin on Windows.
#40Try working around setuptools version limits
#39Add option --no-setuptools/--no-pip/--no-wheel
#38[Windows 10] Trailing \r in VIRTUAL_ENV
#37Plugin can fail to use the correct environment when calling the binary python3
#10Need an option to start with clean new Env every build