promoted builds

This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
List of issues
JENKINS-72527Delivery Pipeline View broken because of NoSuchMethodError on PromotionStatusWrapper.getIcon(String)
JENKINS-72274Promoted builds plugin can't detect folder level stored credentials
JENKINS-70019Toolenv job change won't save if promoted builds plugin is installed
JENKINS-69674Promotion Status Arrow Icon huge on Firefox and missing on Chrome
JENKINS-68363Promoted builds plugin DSL does not work with dynamic DSL in the actions.
JENKINS-66362The Promotions column in the list view display does not show the right build number
JENKINS-60597Break out AbstractProject-independent components of Promotion/PromotionProcess to new classes
JENKINS-60596PromotedBuildAction should implement the RunAction2 interface
JENKINS-60500Break out the Promotion API plugin
JENKINS-59721Promoted Builds Plugin unable to trigger promotion
JENKINS-58956Manual Promotion doesn't work thorugh API
JENKINS-58291Latest promotion permalink loads old promotion
JENKINS-58283Jenkins UI erases envinject config data with promoted-builds 3.3
JENKINS-57937Write a criteria list for steps in release flow
JENKINS-57921Add new Custom Step for Self-Promotion
JENKINS-57903New PromotionProcess,PromotionCondition and PromotionConditionDescriptor classes for the plugin.
JENKINS-57877PromotionBadge compatibility with pipelines
JENKINS-57861Make(Manual Condition) work incorporating all the required dependencies.
JENKINS-57839Make the existing features,processes and implementations pipeline compatible (eg: Assigning Badges,Promoting Builds)
JENKINS-57816Make (Self-Promotion)condition work incorporating all the dependencies.
JENKINS-57777Make the Upstream Promotion Condition Compatible with Pipeline.
JENKINS-57689Custom Steps for remaining promotion Conditions
JENKINS-57688Refactor the remaining Extension points inside "promoted_builds.conditions" and also refactor those inside the "promoted_builds.integrations.jobdsl" package
JENKINS-57687Create new custom steps to be included in the declarative pipeline for Upstream Promotion.
JENKINS-57637Detach the required classes and their descriptors from "hudson.plugins.promoted_builds" package and refactor them for Pipeline Compatibility.
JENKINS-57457GSoC '19: promotion plugin for Jenkins' pipeline. Community bonding tasks
JENKINS-57346plugins should not rely on help from jenkins core
JENKINS-57261Can't use pipeline job as promotion criterion
JENKINS-56279System configuration does not affect timestamp in pipeline
JENKINS-55676Promotion appears to be linking to the wrong build
JENKINS-55665Allow promotion of individual matrix builds
JENKINS-54761Downstream job not displaying in logs after upstream job is promoted
JENKINS-54504Performance issue with promoted builds and Git branch parameter
JENKINS-49684Job DSL Seed job fails on ClassCastException
JENKINS-49488promotion conditions to support OR condition
JENKINS-49486Approvers field doesn't expand variable in the build
JENKINS-47802Job's Promotion Status History page does not display Build name
JENKINS-47404List subversion tag as Approval Parameter in promotion step is always empty
JENKINS-46214Permit Concurrent Builds
JENKINS-45526Password Parameter Does Not Work With job-dsl-promotions-plugin
JENKINS-44839Document the current support status of JobDSL in Promoted Builds
JENKINS-44837Promoted Builds: Job DSL Support revamp
JENKINS-44728Promotion Plugin with Static Jobs causing Dynamic Parameters to Invoke Multiple times
JENKINS-44211Add expiration policy or manual expiration of a promotion
JENKINS-44118Unable to use publishers in Promoted Build plugin via DSL
JENKINS-43488Approver List Dynamic or Parameterized
JENKINS-43469Artifact is copied from failed promotion
JENKINS-43340Invoking properties / promotions / promotion twice results in inconsistent configuration
JENKINS-43305Unable to add Groovy Promotion condition via DSL
JENKINS-43085Downstream promotion is getting auto approved on approving upstream promotion
JENKINS-42015Promoted builds / Job DSL: Inconsistency with normal jobs
JENKINS-41325Promotions dissapear without a trace
JENKINS-41149Jenkins Promotion Using Wrong Workspace, Workspace@2
JENKINS-41029Promotions aren't copies when job generated with DSL
JENKINS-40074Unable to add Execute system Groovy script step via DSL
JENKINS-40022Unable to add Deploy Maven artifacts step via Job DSL
JENKINS-39648Inconsistent state while promotion is running
JENKINS-39342Make the promoted-builds-plugin DSL extension for job-dsl-plugin extensible: Automatically Generated DSL
JENKINS-38913DSL for choiceParam not working
JENKINS-38450[Promoted Builds Plugin] Promotion build page returns 404 after some time on re-execution
JENKINS-38213PROMOTION_ENV return env vars for the promotion environment not from the source of the promotion
JENKINS-38170Manual approval is stored, even if requirements are not matched
JENKINS-37922PROMOTED_TIMESTAMP doesn't expose timestamp of the promoted build
JENKINS-37887$BUILD_URL contains space if promotion name has space
JENKINS-37521Add keep build forever action to Job DSL
JENKINS-37271Promoted Build Plugin regression
JENKINS-37142Unmet Qualification promotion got automatically executed even after the need for manual aprove
JENKINS-36881Promotion build Plugin does not work with jobs which are nested in Jenkins folder FOLDER
JENKINS-36862Jira plugin does not work inside promotion block
JENKINS-36146Can I change the button label "Approve" to something else in promoted build plugin
JENKINS-36122Renaming a job does not get reflected
JENKINS-36120Parameterized build parameters no longer available during promotion
JENKINS-36089Pipeline support for Promoted Builds Plugin
JENKINS-35639Build promotion not being queued
JENKINS-35480Execute shell FATAL: command execution failed
JENKINS-35376Support "Set Job Properties" for Promotion in MultiBranch Pipeline jobs
JENKINS-35157Allow conditional build step to be used in promotion process
JENKINS-35155Allow specifying multiple parameters in "Promote immediately once the build is complete based on build parameters" as in "Only when manually approved"
JENKINS-34982Add configure block in DSL for promotions
JENKINS-34270List Subversion tags parameter only available on Re-execute promotion
JENKINS-34074Email-Notification doesn't appear correctly under Actions
JENKINS-33590Triggering exit /b 255 in promotion batch script results a promotion job to hang for a while
JENKINS-33393Promotion fails if the Parameterized trigger returns unstable
JENKINS-32127Promoted build should be signed as "keep forever" and not deleted automatically
JENKINS-31725Allow variables in promotion name (tooltip)
JENKINS-31537Copy Artifact from Promoted Matrix Configuration
JENKINS-31136Sorting promotions in order of appearance
JENKINS-30841Portlet and RSS feed for last promotions
JENKINS-29638Build promotion will allow running of a job a user doesn't have permission to start
JENKINS-29586Add support for ANSI color output in console
JENKINS-29132Deleted promotion steps keep executing
JENKINS-28959Promoted builds archives are not deleted
JENKINS-28533Promoted build does not respect "Restrict where this promotion process can be run" check with empty label
JENKINS-28322New version not saved when only Promoted builds plugin configuration is saved
JENKINS-27883PROMOTED_* variables not exposed to all promoted build actions
JENKINS-27701Add promotion option of "Promote Immediately with default parameters"
JENKINS-27322promoted-builds plugin ClassCastException with a null parameter
JENKINS-27285Can not Get Jenkins environment Correctly with Promote Builds Plugin
JENKINS-27032Promotion of a build in a multi-branch project fails totally
JENKINS-26931Failed promotion action marked as SUCCESS, no email notification sent
JENKINS-26819Allow a previous build to be promoted while new build is in progress
JENKINS-26346Promotion Action list doesn't include "Deploy to Artifactory"
JENKINS-26012Multuple "Parameters" links
JENKINS-25189Incorrect promotions when using several criteria promotions with the option "When the following downstream projects build successfully"
JENKINS-24970Blank page when reapproving
JENKINS-24937Execution of promotion does not set the Java version for MatrixProject
JENKINS-24908Variable acceptance jenkins system user with Promote
JENKINS-24882Re-execute button always visible
JENKINS-24498Promoted builds plugin fails to execute automatic (end of build) promotions
JENKINS-24271Re-execute and Force permissions must be separated
JENKINS-23664config file provider can't supplu maven settings.xml to promotion plugin publish artifacts
JENKINS-23060Promotion does not work if job name contains a whitespace
JENKINS-22679Regression, Promoted builds plugin not expanding job parameters on immediate promote after build.
JENKINS-22588No description or tool tip of what a "promotion" is on the job/<job>/<id>/promotion/ page
JENKINS-22565Promoting a build based on release condition is not working
JENKINS-22410Problem in interaction between Promoted Builds plugin and S3 plugin
JENKINS-22375promotion plugin does not recognize custom defined version number in build.
JENKINS-22304Artifacts for previous promotions are not available.
JENKINS-22005Repeating/Duplicating promotion parameters
JENKINS-21957NPE when showing promotion status of a build with a run but deleted promotion step
JENKINS-21705Promoting a different job sets PROMOTED_BUILD incorrectly.
JENKINS-21453Add timestamps to console output for Promotions
JENKINS-21339Promotion name needs to be a parameter to avoid duplication
JENKINS-20895Promotion Plugin is not able to ignore or set an own customer workspace
JENKINS-20634promoted builds plugin copying wrong build job artifacts
JENKINS-20579New Column: Last Promotion
JENKINS-20572Promoted Builds Plugin - More rigid security options needed
JENKINS-20492Re-Execute promotion button is gone
JENKINS-19761Need documentation for promoted builds plugin
JENKINS-19734add action from the Conditional BuildStep Plugin
JENKINS-19601Getting Empty value in retrieving Global Password Field.
JENKINS-19008Feature request to allow one click promotion
JENKINS-18958Expose full name of parent job as an environment variable
JENKINS-18873No way to delete promoted-builds from GUI
JENKINS-18717Promoted build job hangs forever after promotion job finishes
JENKINS-18385accept groups for "users" that can run a manual promotion
JENKINS-18286Inject the upstream's job's JOB_NAME and BUILD_NUMBER into downstream env.
JENKINS-17544Promoted Build Plugin shows 404 on promotion log.
JENKINS-17243Cannot access Global Passwords
JENKINS-17014option to un-promote a build
JENKINS-16895Invoke Phing targets not available as promoted-builds action
JENKINS-16885Expose variables for approving users
JENKINS-16872Make the Mask Passwords Plugin work with Jenkins Promoted Builds plugin console
JENKINS-16852Promote on artifact download
JENKINS-16812Optionally filter list of jobs based on promotion-Plugin
JENKINS-16213the downstream build result was not updated correctly when it is triggered by multiple builds
JENKINS-16209Promoted builds plugin can't promote a build earlier than an existing promoted build
JENKINS-16155Allow promotions to run in parallel
JENKINS-15980Promotion job doesn't execute on the same machine that the build job executed on.
JENKINS-15947Promoted builds *list* should also be requestable via REST
JENKINS-15205Build should be marked as promoted after successfull execution of promotion.
JENKINS-15086Copy artifacts via permalink doesn't work from a promotion action
JENKINS-14606svn-tag plugin does not support environment variables from promoted build
JENKINS-14561Changing job names refered by Promoted builds plugin doesn't update when jobs are renamed
JENKINS-14391Promoted-builds should be able to promote invoked child builds
JENKINS-14323promoted build plugin needs promotion restrictions based on build vars, eg: cannot promote of DEBUG=true
JENKINS-14145Promoted Builds + Parameterized Trigger fails to pass Git revision
JENKINS-13975Promoted-builds not following jenkins access control policies
JENKINS-13974Promoted-builds groups not picking up user groups
JENKINS-13802Downstream promotion should be prohibited/impossible when upstream promotion is outstanding
JENKINS-13751Promoted Builds plugin should pass actual/"root" job to Git plublisher
JENKINS-13447Show link to promotion jobs archived artifacts
JENKINS-13248remote API no longer provides artifacts
JENKINS-12804Promote "When the following upstream promotions are promoted" does not happen
JENKINS-12678"Build other projects" as a promotion action seems to use legacy build invocation
JENKINS-12639Sort 'Add Action' list in the promoted build plugin alphabetically by the description.
JENKINS-12016Dependendency graph does not show dependencies from promote plugin
JENKINS-11769Add ability to require multiple approvals before promotion
JENKINS-11679triggering downstream promotions when upstream job is promoted doesn't work
JENKINS-11635Shouldn't allow manual promotion by 'anonymous'
JENKINS-11432Ability to exclude promoted builds from "Discard all but the last successful artifacts"
JENKINS-10792downstream projects release successfully
JENKINS-10652Copy artifacts using permalink of Latest Promotion does not get the proper artifacts
JENKINS-10250When used as a promotion action, the "Set build description" step is not doing what is expected
JENKINS-10199Promoted builds plugin produces exceptions in the logs
JENKINS-10068Ability to remove a Promotion on a promoted build
JENKINS-10033Build promotion should wait until build is completed
JENKINS-9719Promotions are allowed on failed builds
JENKINS-9115New promotions with manual approval don't show link in build list
JENKINS-9034Add LastSuccessful symlink for Promoted build
JENKINS-8971Keep only last promoted build forever
JENKINS-8965Send mail on a failed promotion
JENKINS-8964Promotion permalinks: for last successfull promotion
JENKINS-8960BUILD_TAG for a promotion is not unique
JENKINS-8891Delete a promotion execution (similar to build deletion).
JENKINS-8804Can't set security role for promotion process locally to a job
JENKINS-7856Allow other plugins to contribute icons to be used.
JENKINS-7768Link on console output at progess bar is invalid
JENKINS-7764Junk characters in Build promotion console along with broken link to Promotion status
JENKINS-7431promotion doesn't work when using svn tracking
JENKINS-6922PROJECT_URL variable not correctly set when email is sent by Promoted Build Plugin
JENKINS-6888Per-promotion security permissions.
JENKINS-6166Delete archived artifacts of past builds, except promoted ones
JENKINS-6075cannot save a job with promotion settings when this job is under revision control by subversion
JENKINS-5804Promotion Status doesn't appear in matrix jobs
JENKINS-5692Manual promotion : Bad build number and project name in ext-email
JENKINS-2576Promotion Plugin fails to run many different promotion actions