Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata

List of issues
JENKINS-75044Add LICENSE file to GitHub repo of pipeline declarative plugin
JENKINS-73986Set SCRIPT_SPLITTING_TRANSFORMATION as the default behavor or explcitly per pipeline.
JENKINS-73102Failure to parse Jenkinsfile Node block in pipeline-model-definition
JENKINS-73004Limit number of concurrently used agents in matrix section
JENKINS-71127"libraries" directive is not documented
JENKINS-70845Stage "when changelog" wrong help description or wrong oposite implementation
JENKINS-70734Add an optional agent type to declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-70333Default for Declarative agent retries
JENKINS-69728Expression containing collect() with closure is not evaluated inside environment directive in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-69609Cannot DRY list of matrix axis values
JENKINS-68614markStageWithTag (affecting markStageSkippedForConditional and others) can affect the wrong stage executing at the same time
JENKINS-68288Object context in BuildCondition.meetsCondition is sometimes a Stage instance, which is not recognized by BuildCondition.getCombinedResult
JENKINS-67875Pipeline matrix stages do not render
JENKINS-67738Can't not find ‘restart stage’ link in Scripted Pipeline
JENKINS-67261Keep environment variables and agent label when Restart from Stage
JENKINS-66485validateDeclarativePipeline: Fail with exception instead of returning false
JENKINS-66255Execute alternative step(s) if stage is filtered by a when condition
JENKINS-66036Timeout option works inconsistent when applied on pipeline level vs on stage level
JENKINS-65997Matrix with failFast: false triggers post failure in success stages
JENKINS-65561Cannot add two parameters of the same type in Declarative Directive Generator
JENKINS-65292Local Variables not available in declarative matrix pipeline
JENKINS-64949Declarative Pipeline: Allow defining matrix axes from a file or a variable
JENKINS-64875Pipeline as library doesn't see variables outside pipeline block
JENKINS-64874declarative pipeline post do not execute in agent
JENKINS-64761SimpleBuildWrapper not available in options block
JENKINS-64475Environment section should be evaluated before other sections
JENKINS-64428Cannot get RestartDeclarativePipelineCause origin run number and stage name by using RunWrapper.getBuildCauses
JENKINS-64417Environment section of Declarative pipelines does not allow setting of blank strings
JENKINS-63990Declarative Pipeline: remove explicit com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-json-org dependency in newer version
JENKINS-63906ClassCastException: InputStep.message expects class String but received class CpsClosure2
JENKINS-63839container() doesn't work inside environment block
JENKINS-63290Cannot use function calls in shared library step
JENKINS-63255The "tools" block in a declarative pipeline gets silently ignored when not at same level as the agent clause
JENKINS-62990kubernetes-plugin not understanding env variable in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-62785Globbing when specifying a changeset with single quotes does not work
JENKINS-62773Allow for nesting Parallel and Matrix blocks
JENKINS-62257FlowInterruptedException cause is not available in post condition
JENKINS-62209classMethod FAILED
JENKINS-62127Dynamic Axis-Values for declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-62085Add option for sequential execution of matrix in pipeline
JENKINS-61876Add an `includes` directive to matrix
JENKINS-61740since pull request #373 it is not possible to set docker registry with groovy script
JENKINS-61423StackOverFlowException when using matrix jobs
JENKINS-61405Stage post conditions doomed by build result becoming unstable
JENKINS-61280Allow dynamic stage names
JENKINS-61209Issue in catchError functionality, Post feature is not working as expected
JENKINS-61101Mutually exclusive stages in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-61099when allof is broken with tags
JENKINS-61047Matrix: allow to use axis values from variable
JENKINS-60994When using top level agents and timeouts, provisioning time is not accounted for
JENKINS-60786"failure" post steps in matrix stage will occasionally be called when the cell succeed and other cells failed
JENKINS-60707option to configure Default Checkout
JENKINS-60569Declarative Post Stage block not Working as exepected in parallel stages
JENKINS-60531Make it possible for other plugins to analyze the full AST of a Declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-60479Building a matrix with exclusions in a declarative pipeline using a pipeline library finds no branches to run
JENKINS-60466Support backward compatibility when renaming parameters
JENKINS-60459Pipeline parameters not properly updated in multibranch job config
JENKINS-60442Logs lost for declarative parallel child job builds
JENKINS-60411Tried proxying com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.config.AbstractFolderConfiguration to support a circular dependency, but it is not an interface.
JENKINS-60390When condition for certain types to be normalised with the comparator pattern
JENKINS-60177StackOverflowError After Pipeline Declarative Upgraded to 1.4.0
JENKINS-60046Validate Credentials Id during Pipeline validation, similar to tools
JENKINS-59980Merge beforeOptions, beforeInput and beforeAgent into a single before attribute
JENKINS-59976Nested agent try to fetch the image from top defined agent registry instead of docker hub
JENKINS-59785java.io.NotSerializableException: hudson.plugins.git.GitChangeSetList
JENKINS-59469stage result in post stage action
JENKINS-59378Scripted Pipeline linting works from CLI but not from Api
JENKINS-58795Jenkins pipeline - Getting information When Restart Stage
JENKINS-58711"Container does not exist" error using "sh" in a declarative pipeline
JENKINS-58421Junit step on post-always breaks the channel on error
JENKINS-58385Error raised when updating Pipeline: Declarative Extension Steps plugin.
JENKINS-58298Pipeline with docker should support retry when pull image failed.
JENKINS-58236Provide mechanism to define dynamic stages in declarative pipelines
JENKINS-58055NPE Cannot get property 'closure' after resume on Jenkins restart
JENKINS-58013Restart From Stage link missing
JENKINS-57871Input directive is blocking executor in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-56850When block outside of stage
JENKINS-56847loader constraint violation
JENKINS-56605Cannot use custom agent directive in Jenkinsfile
JENKINS-56567Build fails when reading more than 125 environment credentials at the same time
JENKINS-56562Parallel downstream jobs are not linked correctly
JENKINS-56500Declarative pipeline restricted in code size
JENKINS-56402Declarative Pipeline shows SUCCESS even though job FAILED
JENKINS-56387Upgrading to 2.150.3 results in No signature of method: org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.modeldefinition.ModelInterpreter.executePostBuild()
JENKINS-56358pipeline-syntax/globals variables help is mostly not about variables
JENKINS-56294dockerfile: ARG in FROM breaks docker inspect
JENKINS-56259Allow input timeout parameter
JENKINS-56139Declarative pipeline multiple stages in parallel when use loop
JENKINS-56105catchError does not mark a stage as failed
JENKINS-56000Pipeline fails if more than 250 parameters specified
JENKINS-55648Logging of parallel pipeline job is not recording post stage after failed job
JENKINS-55587Env variables not available in pipeline options sections, outside of stages
JENKINS-55561Stages within stage thoriwng error
JENKINS-55928Parallel Failfast value is not evaluated
JENKINS-55455after upgrading plugins for pipeline: Declarative, pipeline jobs cannot checkout from GHE
JENKINS-55231Declarative Docker executors cannot pull from private docker repo
JENKINS-55186Don't provision agent when stage is skipped
JENKINS-55092linter for Jenkinsfile doesn't detect misspelled parameter names
JENKINS-55083Evaluate environment variables in declarative stage conditions
JENKINS-54901Docker registry credentials doesn't apply on multibranch pipeline
JENKINS-54327Go back to previous stage in pipeline if failed/aborted in particular stage
JENKINS-54324Notifications for the input directive
JENKINS-54256Pipeline stages can be nested indefinitely
JENKINS-54127Add new option to pipeline - sshagent
JENKINS-53889Support post conditions that accept a range of stage statuses
JENKINS-53822Directive generator for upstream trigger throws a 500 if the upstream project is not found
JENKINS-53744Use one agent for parallel stages
JENKINS-53730Automatically reuse stashes in declarative pipelines
JENKINS-53700Script Approval: Pending script approvals not filled when using declarative pipeline
JENKINS-53670Nested declarative pipelines
JENKINS-53658Clarify conditions to use Declarative Pipelines in your shared libraries
JENKINS-53231Detect script/expression usages that can be replaced with pure Declarative and log them
JENKINS-53230Add a when condition for "the build hasn't failed or gone unstable etc"
JENKINS-53193Provide currentBuild.isRestartedRun and .isRestartedStage global variables
JENKINS-53167Add ability to always run particular stages when restarting
JENKINS-53032Support dynamic definition of parallel running stages
JENKINS-52966Two sequential stages in a parallel stage in a declarative pipeline making use of the same agent can cause a StackOverflowError
JENKINS-52939Need to lint pipeline from UI, and also parse parameters
JENKINS-52777another Jenkinsfile is used than reported to be used if 'rebuild from stage' is used
JENKINS-52769Environment variables defined in pipeline not expanding in docker args
JENKINS-52738Multibranch pipeline after obtaining Jenkinsfile does not apply configuration to job
JENKINS-52555Declarative pipeline functions cannot access defined environment variables from environment block
JENKINS-52391Restarting Parallel Stages
JENKINS-52388Unable to skip Declarative: Checkout SCM when restart from stage
JENKINS-52209[Cancelling nested steps due to timeout] aborts a job prematurely
JENKINS-52203Provide a 'prerequisites' sections (like triggers) that allows blocking the execution of a job
JENKINS-52158Conditional parallel failfast
JENKINS-51947Symbol from unrelated Extension point conflicts with syntax?
JENKINS-51945Add possibility to mark step as failed even if it was successful
JENKINS-51891Pipelines which need a node with a specific label do not proceed after adding label to a node
JENKINS-51808Dependent steps in parallel
JENKINS-51804Create Snippet Generator entry for shared library
JENKINS-51668Add description block to pipeline and stages
JENKINS-51586multiple aborts exit declarative post always step
JENKINS-51544Option to disable automatic tagging of docker images with dockerfile agents
JENKINS-51084Lint declarative pipeline shared libraries using declarative-linter
JENKINS-50780Provide a way to "finish" a Declarative Pipeline successfully but not execute subsequent stages
JENKINS-50309Sometimes Docker slaves hang in 'Waiting for next available executor' state
JENKINS-50299Pre-pending to PATH environment variable in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-50021credentials('some-id') should support Secret Zip type of credentials
JENKINS-49998Better documentation that declarative will run all stages on the same node by default
JENKINS-49946input step cannot access environment blocks
JENKINS-49944support some handling for skipped stages
JENKINS-49748support migrating implementation for same Pipeline keyword
JENKINS-49378Using fileExists in when condition causes exception
JENKINS-49280pipeline docker agent configuration is inconsistent
JENKINS-49174Declarative Pipeline: GIT_* have the value 'null' when using "agent none"
JENKINS-49142Be able to customize checkout as "options" in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-49138Scheduling a Pipeline build should redirect to the new build, not job, index page
JENKINS-49135Support for reusable sharing Declarative directives
JENKINS-48556timestamps() randomly not recognized as a valid option
JENKINS-48544Declarative option for disableDefaultCheckoutPolling()
JENKINS-48356Declarative language
JENKINS-48319customWorkspace does not work with docker agent
JENKINS-48050Replace Declarative Docker agent directive with new implementation
JENKINS-48006Declaritive scm step runs with minimal environment, makes it impossible to use environment value for reference repo path
JENKINS-47717Allow different "Discard Old Build" options per branch on multibranch pipelines
JENKINS-47703Need the plugin could be used with Windows agents
JENKINS-47238So like, um, okay, this is weird, but like, um, are steps *supposed* to work in environment{}?
JENKINS-47179Can't use milestone with parallel stages in Declarative
JENKINS-46918Document how to use shared library's global classes in Declarative
JENKINS-46576Provide option to get json output from the declarative-linter command
JENKINS-46476Environment and Options blocks do not take effect from within groovy shared variable
JENKINS-46336Sidecar docker containers for declarative
JENKINS-46103Properly restrict which expressions can be passed to credentials(...) in Declarative
JENKINS-45140Add support of throttling of the entire build in Declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-44542Improve docs for shared libraries in Declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-44491Step not marked as failure when step could not be found
JENKINS-44376Ability to set variables shared between stages
JENKINS-44351Declarative Pipeline Linter should report errors for unrecognized step calls
JENKINS-44078"zip" step is not working according to the documentation
JENKINS-43911Environment variables can't be used in agent configuration
JENKINS-43632Not Possible to Set Blank Environment Variables
JENKINS-43401Declarative should override the syntax check for CpsFlowDefinition
JENKINS-43348Option to use author instead of commiter in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-43246ProxyException/MissingMethodException from shared library global variable hidden in Declarative
JENKINS-43053Allow user to document their pipeline in model friendly way
JENKINS-43010Declarative: Add general "Detail" error output facility
JENKINS-42730declarative-linter don't work with shared library
JENKINS-42688Provide a way to enable a post/* to run only under some context
JENKINS-42643Conditional application of triggers in Declarative
JENKINS-42478Post block lacks access to node when Docker initialization fails
JENKINS-42369agent docker parameters do not honor the current environment
JENKINS-42294Declarative Pipeline needs a process for changing syntax
JENKINS-42224Need ability to create reusable chunks of Declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-42114@LocalData tests for upgrading/resuming Declarative runs
JENKINS-42079Allow "local" Shared Library to be loaded from current repo branch
JENKINS-41929Offer "Build with Parameters" on first build when declarative Jenkinsfile found
JENKINS-41759Add possibilities to read environment from trusted properties file
JENKINS-41609Dockerfile reuseNode should default argument to true
JENKINS-41204pipeline does not use docker environment
JENKINS-41187Stage "when" should have "stage" condition
JENKINS-40966Ability to leave Declarative node block w/ top-level agent for a single stage
JENKINS-40640@Library not working with pipeline model
JENKINS-40238Enumerate and validate environment variables available to a given context in pipeline model
JENKINS-40127Declarative Pipeline GDSL
JENKINS-39759Provide API for returning valid types for Declarative sections
JENKINS-38864Add support for preserving comments and formatting for Jenkinsfile roundtrip
JENKINS-37783Pipeline Config: Intellij/Eclipse plugins for completion/validation