Pipeline: Declarative Agent API

Deprecated: This plugin has been marked as deprecated. In general, this means that this plugin is either obsolete, no longer being developed, or may no longer work.

More information about the cause of this deprecation, and suggestions on how to proceed may be found in the documentation below.
List of issues
JENKINS-75044Add LICENSE file to GitHub repo of pipeline declarative plugin
JENKINS-73986Set SCRIPT_SPLITTING_TRANSFORMATION as the default behavor or explcitly per pipeline.
JENKINS-73102Failure to parse Jenkinsfile Node block in pipeline-model-definition
JENKINS-73004Limit number of concurrently used agents in matrix section
JENKINS-71127"libraries" directive is not documented
JENKINS-70845Stage "when changelog" wrong help description or wrong oposite implementation
JENKINS-70734Add an optional agent type to declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-70333Default for Declarative agent retries
JENKINS-69728Expression containing collect() with closure is not evaluated inside environment directive in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-69609Cannot DRY list of matrix axis values
JENKINS-68614markStageWithTag (affecting markStageSkippedForConditional and others) can affect the wrong stage executing at the same time
JENKINS-68288Object context in BuildCondition.meetsCondition is sometimes a Stage instance, which is not recognized by BuildCondition.getCombinedResult
JENKINS-67875Pipeline matrix stages do not render
JENKINS-67738Can't not find ‘restart stage’ link in Scripted Pipeline
JENKINS-67261Keep environment variables and agent label when Restart from Stage
JENKINS-66485validateDeclarativePipeline: Fail with exception instead of returning false
JENKINS-66255Execute alternative step(s) if stage is filtered by a when condition
JENKINS-66036Timeout option works inconsistent when applied on pipeline level vs on stage level
JENKINS-65997Matrix with failFast: false triggers post failure in success stages
JENKINS-65561Cannot add two parameters of the same type in Declarative Directive Generator
JENKINS-65292Local Variables not available in declarative matrix pipeline
JENKINS-64949Declarative Pipeline: Allow defining matrix axes from a file or a variable
JENKINS-64875Pipeline as library doesn't see variables outside pipeline block
JENKINS-64874declarative pipeline post do not execute in agent
JENKINS-64761SimpleBuildWrapper not available in options block
JENKINS-64475Environment section should be evaluated before other sections
JENKINS-64428Cannot get RestartDeclarativePipelineCause origin run number and stage name by using RunWrapper.getBuildCauses
JENKINS-64417Environment section of Declarative pipelines does not allow setting of blank strings
JENKINS-63990Declarative Pipeline: remove explicit com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-json-org dependency in newer version
JENKINS-63906ClassCastException: InputStep.message expects class String but received class CpsClosure2
JENKINS-63839container() doesn't work inside environment block
JENKINS-63290Cannot use function calls in shared library step
JENKINS-63255The "tools" block in a declarative pipeline gets silently ignored when not at same level as the agent clause
JENKINS-62990kubernetes-plugin not understanding env variable in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-62785Globbing when specifying a changeset with single quotes does not work
JENKINS-62773Allow for nesting Parallel and Matrix blocks
JENKINS-62257FlowInterruptedException cause is not available in post condition
JENKINS-62209classMethod FAILED
JENKINS-62127Dynamic Axis-Values for declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-62085Add option for sequential execution of matrix in pipeline
JENKINS-61876Add an `includes` directive to matrix
JENKINS-61740since pull request #373 it is not possible to set docker registry with groovy script
JENKINS-61423StackOverFlowException when using matrix jobs
JENKINS-61405Stage post conditions doomed by build result becoming unstable
JENKINS-61280Allow dynamic stage names
JENKINS-61209Issue in catchError functionality, Post feature is not working as expected
JENKINS-61101Mutually exclusive stages in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-61099when allof is broken with tags
JENKINS-61047Matrix: allow to use axis values from variable
JENKINS-60994When using top level agents and timeouts, provisioning time is not accounted for
JENKINS-60786"failure" post steps in matrix stage will occasionally be called when the cell succeed and other cells failed
JENKINS-60707option to configure Default Checkout
JENKINS-60569Declarative Post Stage block not Working as exepected in parallel stages
JENKINS-60531Make it possible for other plugins to analyze the full AST of a Declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-60479Building a matrix with exclusions in a declarative pipeline using a pipeline library finds no branches to run
JENKINS-60466Support backward compatibility when renaming parameters
JENKINS-60459Pipeline parameters not properly updated in multibranch job config
JENKINS-60442Logs lost for declarative parallel child job builds
JENKINS-60411Tried proxying com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.config.AbstractFolderConfiguration to support a circular dependency, but it is not an interface.
JENKINS-60390When condition for certain types to be normalised with the comparator pattern
JENKINS-60177StackOverflowError After Pipeline Declarative Upgraded to 1.4.0
JENKINS-60046Validate Credentials Id during Pipeline validation, similar to tools
JENKINS-59980Merge beforeOptions, beforeInput and beforeAgent into a single before attribute
JENKINS-59976Nested agent try to fetch the image from top defined agent registry instead of docker hub
JENKINS-59785java.io.NotSerializableException: hudson.plugins.git.GitChangeSetList
JENKINS-59469stage result in post stage action
JENKINS-59378Scripted Pipeline linting works from CLI but not from Api
JENKINS-58795Jenkins pipeline - Getting information When Restart Stage
JENKINS-58711"Container does not exist" error using "sh" in a declarative pipeline
JENKINS-58421Junit step on post-always breaks the channel on error
JENKINS-58385Error raised when updating Pipeline: Declarative Extension Steps plugin.
JENKINS-58298Pipeline with docker should support retry when pull image failed.
JENKINS-58236Provide mechanism to define dynamic stages in declarative pipelines
JENKINS-58055NPE Cannot get property 'closure' after resume on Jenkins restart
JENKINS-58013Restart From Stage link missing
JENKINS-57871Input directive is blocking executor in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-56850When block outside of stage
JENKINS-56847loader constraint violation
JENKINS-56605Cannot use custom agent directive in Jenkinsfile
JENKINS-56567Build fails when reading more than 125 environment credentials at the same time
JENKINS-56562Parallel downstream jobs are not linked correctly
JENKINS-56500Declarative pipeline restricted in code size
JENKINS-56402Declarative Pipeline shows SUCCESS even though job FAILED
JENKINS-56387Upgrading to 2.150.3 results in No signature of method: org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.modeldefinition.ModelInterpreter.executePostBuild()
JENKINS-56358pipeline-syntax/globals variables help is mostly not about variables
JENKINS-56294dockerfile: ARG in FROM breaks docker inspect
JENKINS-56259Allow input timeout parameter
JENKINS-56139Declarative pipeline multiple stages in parallel when use loop
JENKINS-56105catchError does not mark a stage as failed
JENKINS-56000Pipeline fails if more than 250 parameters specified
JENKINS-55648Logging of parallel pipeline job is not recording post stage after failed job
JENKINS-55616hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.modeldefinition.ModelInterpreter.evaluateStage()
JENKINS-55587Env variables not available in pipeline options sections, outside of stages
JENKINS-55561Stages within stage thoriwng error
JENKINS-55928Parallel Failfast value is not evaluated
JENKINS-55455after upgrading plugins for pipeline: Declarative, pipeline jobs cannot checkout from GHE
JENKINS-55231Declarative Docker executors cannot pull from private docker repo
JENKINS-55186Don't provision agent when stage is skipped
JENKINS-55092linter for Jenkinsfile doesn't detect misspelled parameter names
JENKINS-55083Evaluate environment variables in declarative stage conditions
JENKINS-54901Docker registry credentials doesn't apply on multibranch pipeline
JENKINS-54327Go back to previous stage in pipeline if failed/aborted in particular stage
JENKINS-54324Notifications for the input directive
JENKINS-54256Pipeline stages can be nested indefinitely
JENKINS-54127Add new option to pipeline - sshagent
JENKINS-53889Support post conditions that accept a range of stage statuses
JENKINS-53822Directive generator for upstream trigger throws a 500 if the upstream project is not found
JENKINS-53744Use one agent for parallel stages
JENKINS-53730Automatically reuse stashes in declarative pipelines
JENKINS-53700Script Approval: Pending script approvals not filled when using declarative pipeline
JENKINS-53670Nested declarative pipelines
JENKINS-53658Clarify conditions to use Declarative Pipelines in your shared libraries
JENKINS-53231Detect script/expression usages that can be replaced with pure Declarative and log them
JENKINS-53230Add a when condition for "the build hasn't failed or gone unstable etc"
JENKINS-53193Provide currentBuild.isRestartedRun and .isRestartedStage global variables
JENKINS-53167Add ability to always run particular stages when restarting
JENKINS-53032Support dynamic definition of parallel running stages
JENKINS-52966Two sequential stages in a parallel stage in a declarative pipeline making use of the same agent can cause a StackOverflowError
JENKINS-52939Need to lint pipeline from UI, and also parse parameters
JENKINS-52777another Jenkinsfile is used than reported to be used if 'rebuild from stage' is used
JENKINS-52769Environment variables defined in pipeline not expanding in docker args
JENKINS-52738Multibranch pipeline after obtaining Jenkinsfile does not apply configuration to job
JENKINS-52555Declarative pipeline functions cannot access defined environment variables from environment block
JENKINS-52391Restarting Parallel Stages
JENKINS-52388Unable to skip Declarative: Checkout SCM when restart from stage
JENKINS-52209[Cancelling nested steps due to timeout] aborts a job prematurely
JENKINS-52203Provide a 'prerequisites' sections (like triggers) that allows blocking the execution of a job
JENKINS-52158Conditional parallel failfast
JENKINS-51947Symbol from unrelated Extension point conflicts with syntax?
JENKINS-51945Add possibility to mark step as failed even if it was successful
JENKINS-51891Pipelines which need a node with a specific label do not proceed after adding label to a node
JENKINS-51808Dependent steps in parallel
JENKINS-51804Create Snippet Generator entry for shared library
JENKINS-51668Add description block to pipeline and stages
JENKINS-51586multiple aborts exit declarative post always step
JENKINS-51544Option to disable automatic tagging of docker images with dockerfile agents
JENKINS-51084Lint declarative pipeline shared libraries using declarative-linter
JENKINS-50780Provide a way to "finish" a Declarative Pipeline successfully but not execute subsequent stages
JENKINS-50309Sometimes Docker slaves hang in 'Waiting for next available executor' state
JENKINS-50299Pre-pending to PATH environment variable in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-50021credentials('some-id') should support Secret Zip type of credentials
JENKINS-49998Better documentation that declarative will run all stages on the same node by default
JENKINS-49946input step cannot access environment blocks
JENKINS-49944support some handling for skipped stages
JENKINS-49748support migrating implementation for same Pipeline keyword
JENKINS-49378Using fileExists in when condition causes exception
JENKINS-49280pipeline docker agent configuration is inconsistent
JENKINS-49174Declarative Pipeline: GIT_* have the value 'null' when using "agent none"
JENKINS-49142Be able to customize checkout as "options" in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-49138Scheduling a Pipeline build should redirect to the new build, not job, index page
JENKINS-49135Support for reusable sharing Declarative directives
JENKINS-48556timestamps() randomly not recognized as a valid option
JENKINS-48544Declarative option for disableDefaultCheckoutPolling()
JENKINS-48356Declarative language
JENKINS-48319customWorkspace does not work with docker agent
JENKINS-48050Replace Declarative Docker agent directive with new implementation
JENKINS-48006Declaritive scm step runs with minimal environment, makes it impossible to use environment value for reference repo path
JENKINS-47717Allow different "Discard Old Build" options per branch on multibranch pipelines
JENKINS-47703Need the plugin could be used with Windows agents
JENKINS-47238So like, um, okay, this is weird, but like, um, are steps *supposed* to work in environment{}?
JENKINS-47179Can't use milestone with parallel stages in Declarative
JENKINS-46918Document how to use shared library's global classes in Declarative
JENKINS-46831Not able to use a normal agent on stage when agent docker is declared globally
JENKINS-46576Provide option to get json output from the declarative-linter command
JENKINS-46476Environment and Options blocks do not take effect from within groovy shared variable
JENKINS-46336Sidecar docker containers for declarative
JENKINS-46103Properly restrict which expressions can be passed to credentials(...) in Declarative
JENKINS-45140Add support of throttling of the entire build in Declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-44542Improve docs for shared libraries in Declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-44491Step not marked as failure when step could not be found
JENKINS-44376Ability to set variables shared between stages
JENKINS-44351Declarative Pipeline Linter should report errors for unrecognized step calls
JENKINS-44078"zip" step is not working according to the documentation
JENKINS-43911Environment variables can't be used in agent configuration
JENKINS-43632Not Possible to Set Blank Environment Variables
JENKINS-43401Declarative should override the syntax check for CpsFlowDefinition
JENKINS-43348Option to use author instead of commiter in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-43246ProxyException/MissingMethodException from shared library global variable hidden in Declarative
JENKINS-43053Allow user to document their pipeline in model friendly way
JENKINS-43010Declarative: Add general "Detail" error output facility
JENKINS-42730declarative-linter don't work with shared library
JENKINS-42688Provide a way to enable a post/* to run only under some context
JENKINS-42643Conditional application of triggers in Declarative
JENKINS-42478Post block lacks access to node when Docker initialization fails
JENKINS-42369agent docker parameters do not honor the current environment
JENKINS-42294Declarative Pipeline needs a process for changing syntax
JENKINS-42224Need ability to create reusable chunks of Declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-42114@LocalData tests for upgrading/resuming Declarative runs
JENKINS-42079Allow "local" Shared Library to be loaded from current repo branch
JENKINS-41929Offer "Build with Parameters" on first build when declarative Jenkinsfile found
JENKINS-41759Add possibilities to read environment from trusted properties file
JENKINS-41609Dockerfile reuseNode should default argument to true
JENKINS-41204pipeline does not use docker environment
JENKINS-41187Stage "when" should have "stage" condition
JENKINS-40966Ability to leave Declarative node block w/ top-level agent for a single stage
JENKINS-40756Provide a durable native Maven step
JENKINS-40640@Library not working with pipeline model
JENKINS-40238Enumerate and validate environment variables available to a given context in pipeline model
JENKINS-40127Declarative Pipeline GDSL
JENKINS-39759Provide API for returning valid types for Declarative sections
JENKINS-38864Add support for preserving comments and formatting for Jenkinsfile roundtrip
JENKINS-37783Pipeline Config: Intellij/Eclipse plugins for completion/validation