Pipeline: Groovy Libraries
List of issuesKey | Summary | Created | Updated |
JENKINS-74864 | Global Pipeline Library changelog setting always ignored when using the library step | | |
JENKINS-73342 | Load global pipeline library at a dynamic version when running for the library itself | | |
JENKINS-73150 | SCM polling of shared libraries cannot be disabled | | |
JENKINS-72897 | ConcurrentModificationException while loading pipeline libraries | | |
JENKINS-71387 | Option to override implicit checkout of library | | |
JENKINS-71275 | doClearCache method can be improved with a POST or RequirePOST annotation. | | |
JENKINS-71146 | Caching lib too soon | | |
JENKINS-71067 | Reload programmatically Global Pipeline Libraries not possible without restart jenkins | | |
JENKINS-70490 | Failed to serialize org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.LibraryRecord#variables | | |
JENKINS-69731 | Want @Library annotation to always load same version (feature branch name) of library as pipeline script from SCM | | |
JENKINS-69415 | [pipeline-groovy-lib] /libs folder of every build clogs up file system | | |
JENKINS-69135 | Add a "Versions to include" field to the Global Library Cache feature | | |
JENKINS-64950 | additional library() call not possible after failure | | |
JENKINS-62961 | incorrect "ERROR: Library blah expected to contain at least one of src or vars directories" message | | |
JENKINS-60969 | @libs pseudo-workspace collision due to branch name truncation | | |
JENKINS-60195 | Failed to load shared library when pipeline is triggered by hook in different repo | | |