Percentage Disk Space Node Column

  This plugin just shows the percentage of disk space usage column on "Manage Nodes" page. 


You can find it under <jenkins_url>/computer or reach it via links in the sidepanel of the main page. 

Node Monitoring Configuration


Manage Nodes page


Sample groovy script

You can query this monitoring field programmatically in Groovy, see the below groovy example:

Groovy Script

for (node in jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.slaves) {
  computer = node.toComputer()
  if (computer.getChannel() == null) continue
    rootPath = node.getRootPath()
  def percentage = computer.getMonitorData()['']
  if (percentage != null ) {
    println("node: ${node.getDisplayName()} has got ${percentage} disk space usage.")

 Further references: Jenkins Script Console

Planned upcoming features

  • Security layout.

Open Issues

Version history

Version 0.1.0 (26th Sept)

  • (info)   Initial release