#297 | Enable Jenkins Security Scan | | |
#296 | Bump org.springframework:spring-core from 5.3.29 to 6.1.10 | | |
#295 | Bump org.springframework:spring-jcl from 5.3.29 to 6.1.10 | | |
#294 | Bump org.springframework:spring-test from 5.3.29 to 6.1.10 | | |
#293 | Bump org.junit.vintage:junit-vintage-engine from 5.10.1 to 5.10.3 | | |
#281 | Bump org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-web from 2.21.1 to 2.23.1 | | |
#221 | RCA fails in Android project | | |
#196 | Delete gradle-daemon-logs after testexecution | | |
#195 | Get clearer hints what to do, if iterations/repetitions were reduced automatically | | |
#132 | Ignore in current version causes problem | | |
#130 | Testexecution should be terminated if traces become too big. | | |
#122 | Get better error-message if traces are too big | | |
#100 | Make Android Emulated Tests Runnable | | |
#81 | Find solution for huge calltrees in RCA | | |
#80 | Some form of progress indication | | |
#44 | Imported: Overview Scan of current tests | | |
#34 | Imported: Use React instead jQuery | | |