
List of issues
JENKINS-72207Requirements / usage in README no longer correct
JENKINS-70321pagerduty-plugin: does not build from source ( is missing)
JENKINS-68532PagerDuty RuntimeException
JENKINS-65865Add links and images support to alerts api
JENKINS-65206pagerduty plugin - fails silently on old parameters; undocumented breaking change; no upgrade docs
JENKINS-64892No details in the pagerduty plugin
JENKINS-64891pagerduty plugin upgrade breaks pagerduty functionality in jobs
JENKINS-64774Offer ChangeEvent as a freestyle build step
JENKINS-64695Support custom text for Pagerduty ChangeEvent “Summary” field
JENKINS-63025PagerDuty Pipeline support for consecutive failures
JENKINS-57798PagerDuty Plugin - NullPointerException if you update after a failure
JENKINS-53214PagerDuty plugin thread leak
JENKINS-45710Plugin fails to generate new IncidentKey when configuring job via API
JENKINS-36482PagerDuty incidentkey doesn't work with variables.