Nexus Artifact Uploader

This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
List of issues
JENKINS-73097Ignore artifact section for parent pom
JENKINS-72340Nexus artifact uploader did not work for windows agent
JENKINS-67972Creating Pipeline for publishing NPM artifacts to my Nexus repository
JENKINS-64008 nexus-artifact-uploader-plugin reports file uploaded to nexus when no file has been uploaded
JENKINS-64005Please add documentation for all parameters of the nexus-artifact-uploader plugin
JENKINS-63037nexusArtifactUploader without version to raw repo makes dash in filename
JENKINS-62718Parameters not being resolved since upgrade to v2.12
JENKINS-61374Timeout when deploying large file to Nexus
JENKINS-59368Can upload from non-maven projects or not?
JENKINS-59177Add support for additional output values (e.g nexus arifact links) besides a boolean value
JENKINS-55458Unable to create nexus new repo through nexus artifact uploader Plugin
JENKINS-51195Upload multiple SNAPSHOT artifact
JENKINS-46340nexusArtifactUploader Allow uploading by path instead of by name and version
JENKINS-45114Connection refused issue with nexusArtifactUploader plugin in jenkin version 2.32.3
JENKINS-44184Nexus error reports are swallowed
JENKINS-43140404 error displayed on job configuration page
JENKINS-41619NPE in Pipeline Step after update
JENKINS-40656Update maven-metadata.xml after upload
JENKINS-38951Use original artifact name