Matrix Reloaded

The Jenkins project announced unresolved security vulnerabilities affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
List of issues
JENKINS-74281[matrix-reloaded] Extract inline script block and event handlers in WEB-INF/classes/net/praqma/jenkins/plugin/reloaded/MatrixReloadedAction/index.jelly
JENKINS-62916matrix-reloaded-plugin may be impacted by tables-to-divs changes
JENKINS-54415jep-200 issue w/ matrix reloaded plugin
JENKINS-25706NPE with concurrent matrixbuilds (case 12330)
JENKINS-24009Incorrect result status after Matrix rebuild (our case 11639 )
JENKINS-19970( Praqma case 10162 ) Matrix-reloaded does not adhere to build permissions in the same way that normal manual build triggering does.
JENKINS-16229Breaks "CopyArtifact" Plugin, case 8266
JENKINS-14119Rebuilding only stable configurations in an otherwise unstable full matrix produces false succesful reloaded build, case 6516
JENKINS-11260Matrix relaoded does not use test result from original build