#751 | Make ephemeral resource creation optional | | |
#746 | Reserve after unreserved | | |
#740 | Jenkins Pipeline Timeout Handling for Queue Wait Time | | |
#735 | Job fails as soon as a lockable resource is rebooted | | |
#732 | Locking pipeline without using executors | | |
#729 | locking nodes in stage locks | | |
#728 | This build requires lockable resources auto complete requires POST | | |
#721 | lockable resource with CasC configuration - reloading issue - cannot get rid of declared resources | | |
#717 | Lockable resources slowness in scheduling | | |
#712 | Update to v1309 changes LRM API and behavior | | |
#707 | Update to 1309.ve21874387edf logs NullPointerException when old build is discarded | | |
#706 | DataTable with known 0 entries still shows "Loading - please wait ..." indefinitely | | |
#705 | Update to 1309.ve21874387edf claims "Unreadable Data": "CannotResolveClassException: lockedResources" | | |
#697 | Unavailable Resource Sends Build back to Queue | | |
#690 | Add ability to do custom check on a device when locking | | |
#689 | Add ability to "offline" a resource through Declarative pipeline code | | |
#685 | Lock resources whose names are provided by build parameters. | | |
#683 | Make matrix-project optional dependency | | |
#677 | Reoccurring null in LockableResourcesManager resources | | |
#676 | Jenkins events on lock actions | | |
#671 | Add way to cancel current queued requests in one job (by groovy) | | |
#670 | Implement executor count for one resource | | |
#669 | Sort requested resources by user defined groovy script | | |
#668 | Add timemout attribute to eliminate long stuck when resource is long time locked / reserved | | |
#667 | Extend lockable-resources build page | | |
#662 | Sometimes the plugin throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException with multiple locks | | |
#651 | Add feature to prevent creation of Ephemeral resources | | |
#645 | ReservedTimeStamp leads to failure in Plugin:Configuration as Code Plugin during booting jenkins | | |
#638 | manually unlock "globally locked" resource early | | |
#633 | Missing permission Job/Configure for Administrator | | |
#624 | Is there any API documentation on what is supported? Can this be used from command line outside of jenkins? | | |
#622 | Lease Time | | |
#619 | Empty ressource is not allowed anymore | | |
#615 | Use of [] for extra to not lock is not working anymore with 1232.v512d6c434eb_d release | | |
#614 | Unqueue all items contains the build, when the build has been canceled / killed (to improve performance) | | |
#613 | Throw excpetion when count of requiered resources is bigger then current count of resources | | |
#612 | Trim spaces from resource name, otherwise it will stuck | | |
#588 | Re-define ephemeral resources used by revived builds when Jenkins controller is restarted | | |
#549 | Duplication of resource reservation | | |
#533 | Resource usage history | | |
#527 | Reserved resources available again after reloading CasC configuration | | |
#526 | Environment variables for properties are always indexed | | |
#520 | Add 'reason' field in the lock() step | | |
#497 | Monitoring locking | | |
#496 | Improvement on the UI/UX of the data table | | |
#485 | DataTable sorting by timestamp is alphabetic, not "calendaric" | | |
#484 | Resource status not aligned when search pattern input | | |
#478 | standard exception handling altered in a lock context | | |
#466 | Authorization Matrix Permissions for JCasC changes based on host language | | |
#457 | New functionality by groovy-shared library | | |
#455 | allow to link a lockable resource to a node | | |
#426 | Add 'reason' field in the lock() step. | | |
#393 | Show resource history | | |
#382 | Migrate jira issues into Github issues | | |
#381 | Add property to keep ephemeral resources. | | |
#341 | Create function lockNode() | | |
#340 | Inform user when assigned resource change state | | |
#321 | Synchronize locked resources between multiple jenkins instances | | |
#305 | Add an updateLock step to alter resources in pipelines | | |
#296 | Marking a resource as offline or changing labels from pipelines | | |
#289 | Visual indicator for locked stage | | |
#287 | admin role for add\remove\unreserve resource | | |
#278 | Declarative Pipeline: cannot lock via label due to mandatory 'resource' field. | | |
#276 | Allow agent-specific resources or using environment variables in resource names (in UI config & Job DSL) | | |
#271 | Allow (again) to lock all stages in a pipeline | | |
#260 | Pipeline: Locking multiple resources in one job and single resources in others breaks locking | | |
#253 | Feature idea: new pipeline step mode to separate lock taking and releasing | | |
#252 | Feature idea: group resources (maybe new field like label?) to fine-grain management permissions | | |
#251 | Run some function if skipIfLocked was true and body was skipped | | |
#229 | Can't lock multiple resources in freestyle project via label | | |
#224 | Lock resource requests should not be able to skip the line when different label quantities are used | | |
#214 | Use build parameters as resource, label and number. | | |
#213 | How to update/change an existent label for a specific resource | | |
#209 | Assign locked resource names with extra keyword | | |
#207 | Is there a way to check if a given resource is locked? | | |
#203 | Lock messages could be clearer | | |
#202 | Use build parameter as the number of resources to lock | | |
#195 | JCasC warning log for LockableResource#build | | |
#190 | Cant set reserve/unlock permissions programmatically | | |
#186 | Scope resources to folder | | |
#178 | Feature Request: Log time waited | | |
#164 | Lock management "by hand": example with early release of a lock | | |
#161 | Feature Request: Assign resources to "permission groups" | | |
#159 | freestyle project: use build parameter as resource | | |
#154 | Consistent lock acquired message | | |
#150 | Declarative Pipeline: Lock multiple resource types | | |
#148 | How to check which job/branch has locked my resource in Groovy? | | |
#143 | Concern: is editing all resource fields via global config page safe? | | |
#141 | Feature request: (optionally) track usage of a resource instance | | |
#137 | Locks are not released if Jenkins crashes | | |
#136 | lock not released | | |
#134 | Conditional stage lock in declarative pipeline | | |
#128 | Resource should have a quantity | | |
#123 | Locking by label from 2 jobs exact the same time causes lock up of one of them | | |
#116 | Multi-configuration project jobs start without acquiring a resource | | |
#107 | Groovy Expression for pipeline | | |
#105 | Support concurrent read vs exclusive write locks | | |
#103 | Feature request: ability to add/remove lockable resources through API | | |
#102 | Pipeline stage not shown in queue while waiting for resource | | |
#93 | Using QueueTaskDispatcher to block jobs using a locked resource before deploying to node | | |
#92 | Question:Rest API to change label of a resource. | | |
#91 | Nodes are shown as locked although they are not | | |
#83 | Critical section in pipeline is entered without lock | | |
#82 | Feature request : deferred manual locking of resource by user | | |
#73 | Add documentation example on how to pass build arguments into the Groovy script | | |
#59 | In version 2.0 can't execute Windows batch or Ant script | | |
#53 | How to remove all resources with label | | |
#52 | No changelog for version 2.0 | | |
#30 | Non-blocking or timeouted lock step | | |
#19 | Injecting Environment Variables based on resource selected | | |
#8 | Lock when required | | |