List Git Branches Parameter

The Jenkins project announced an unresolved security vulnerability affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
List of issues
JENKINS-72356Trim branch names
JENKINS-72293Introduce optional argument tagListSize
JENKINS-70377Add Description field to the "list git branches" object
JENKINS-697710.0.11 release breaks compatibility to 0.0.9 or earlier Jenkinsfile parameter
JENKINS-66719List Size reverts to 5 after every apply or save of any kind in list git branches parameter plugin
JENKINS-66487No proxy for list-git-branches-parameter-plugin
JENKINS-66124Cannot parametrize URL with env. variable
JENKINS-64759list-git-branches-parameter generate a config.xml change on every run
JENKINS-63929Add Choices to List Git Branches Parameter API
JENKINS-63560List Git parameter not branches/tags as part of input step
JENKINS-59290List Git parameter not listing the tags
JENKINS-57174List Git Branches Parameter Plugin fetch error