Libvirt Agents
List of issuesKey | Summary | Created | Updated |
JENKINS-74420 | [libvirt-slave] Extract inline event handlers and migrate legacy checkUrl attributes in hudson/plugins/libvirt/VirtualMachineSlave/configure-entries.jelly | | |
JENKINS-72938 | NullPointerException when loading libvirt agents from JCasC | | |
JENKINS-72508 | Cannot delete libvirt slave | | |
JENKINS-72147 | Launch agent by connecting to controller is missing the required information | | |
JENKINS-69243 | libvirt plugin broken after upgrade to 2.346.2 | | |
JENKINS-20269 | Revert Feature automatically selects the latest Snapshot | | |
JENKINS-18077 | Libvirt Agents plugin says hypervisor exceeds threshold | | |
JENKINS-17646 | Add link(s) to libvirt documentation to every help text fragment | | |